
Real conversations with your students.

"thank you, you too!!"

"I’ll give that a try, I appreciate the words of advice, they’re quite comforting."

"I just got rejected by a girl 😂"

"Ya those are really awesome tips, thank u so much! Ima screenshot it so I don't forget - I appreciate your help, it's really nice to have someone to talk to 😅"

"I miss my dad, he seems to be the only one who calm me down lately. And i'm stuck in my room breaking down while trying finishing assignments before the quarter ends so i don't have a bad grade, and i just need him to be here."

"I can't help in my classroom, we are online"

"I'm dealing with the suicide of a family member- how do I cope?"

"I was home from school for two weeks because I was depressed because my parents divorced this summer and I moved and haven't been feeling belonged at school"

"I appreciate it 😊most definitely👍"

"I turned in the test today, wish me luck."

"I lost my whole friend group of 4 years. I think that they were just so toxic. i wasn't invited to anything unless i texted them. i would leave with extreme anxiety and no one would ask me if i was ok. and they've all just changed since i met them. we don't have the same values or morals anymore"

"The end of the quarter is kinda sucky rn"

"Well for one I'm just sad a lot of the time, I guess we could call that depression at this point, and I often act happy and good natured, and I'm trying to transition away from the religion of the masses here in St George, but I don't expect any of them to be able to understand, so I keep it to myself. Whenever I talk to them I feel like I'm constantly filtering what I really want to say because they wouldn't be ok with it"

"Thank you so much. This program really is amazing!"

"my older sister and i got into an argument and she moved out so i had to step up as older sister and then my dad kicked my mom out so i feel like i have a lot of pressure on me"

"That's really comforting, thank you!"

"you're so right !! i'm kind of doubting the relationship because it has a lot to do w/ me trusting him!"

"I feel constantly disappointed about myself because I know I can do better, but I don't seem to be able to."

"Idk 😂 I am the oldest in my family and I am struggling with the idea of leaving for college. I kinda just try to not think about it but then I end up not doing the things that I need to do like apply for scholarships. When I do think about it I cry though😅 I love my family and I don't want to loose what we have but I also want to continue to grow and got to college ya know?"

"Man are u a real person? Also I am burnt out. But answer both questions plez"

"idk. i just get sad randomly sometimes like my depression will just come and hit me out of nowhere when i'm feeling fine. and my doctor thought i might be bipolar but the psychologist said i wasn't so yeh. idk i'm just kinda weird lol"

"this kid said he loves me and i don't know how i feel!!! like he's so sweet but i just can't say it. it's hurting my brain"

"Bro a lot. Too much for a text i can barely speak what i need to say"

"yeah totally! thanks for your help (:"

"Guess what? I aced my test, 100/100!"

"I have a lot of family problems. My parents are getting a divorce."

"I've been feeling a bit stressed, I work full time. And also have been struggling to take out a motor I've bought from the junk yard."

"I have a math test tomorrow and that's the only class holding me back from my 4.0 and if I don't do good I'll lose it"

"I love music, thank you! Thank you so much for ur help"

"I feel bad talking to my parents, because I know they will still love me if I let my grades drop and they'll always support me, but it does feel like to much pressure sometimes, especially since my older brother was so good when it came to grades and academic performance. And I'm not close enough with any of my teachers to share this kind of stuff with them...that's a good way to look at it, thank you.”"