Mental Health Resources at Compass Public Charter School
If you are concerned about someone in a crisis, many of the following resources are available 24/7. Use links below for more information.
If you are dealing with an emergency, please call 911.
State Resources
Idaho Suicide Prevention and Crisis Hotline
Call or text 208-398-4357 or just 988. This hotline is the statewide 24/7 behavioral health crisis hotline in Idaho.
NAMI Idaho
You can reach the NAMI Information Line at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare | Behavorial Health Crisis Resources
National Resources
National Suicide Prevention Hotline
Hours: Available 24 Hours. Languages: English, Spanish - 988
If you are anxious about calling or would like information about what happens when you call a crisis line read this article. What happens when you call the suicide prevention lifeline?
Scan to opt-in
or text
to 888-283-9018
Activity of the week
How can I improve my relationship with my parents?
Would you like to improve your relationship with your parents, or those who care for you? Even a little bit? Complete this activity and learn some skills that will help you become a relationship master instead of a relationship disaster. You've got this👍