Self-Confidence at Green River High School
Go confidently into life! Don’t let fear or anxiety drive your decisions! It’s time for you to learn how to manage your fear better, and grow your muscle of confidence. Check out these incredible resources we have gathered for you. Enjoy your new found confidence.
Listen to a Podcast:
- How to not give a flying fart about stuff that doesn't matter
- 3 Tips for an Awesome year
- Be unreasonable
- Don't let Fear drive your life
- How do I become more Confident?
- Got Grit?
- Are you too hard on yourself?
- The bulletproof teen
- How do I feel more confident around people?
- How can I deal with failing better?
- How do I get motivated?
- How do I slay all day?
- How do I improve my self-esteem?
- How Do I become more confident?