Lesson Plans > How Do I Improve My Relationship With My Parents?

In this Lesson we'll explore tips to help you successfully navigate the dynamics between adolescents and their parents. We'll explore seven practical tips to enhance communication, foster respect, and cultivate a more harmonious relationship with those who play a pivotal role in our lives. So, let's embark on this journey of self-improvement and connection – your thriving relationship with your parents awaits!

25 Minute Lesson

Objective: Students will understand and discuss the seven tips on improving their relationship with their parents.

1. Introduction (1 minute): Provide the one page handout, and give a brief overview of "How Do I Improve My Relationship With My Parents?" and why it's essential for teens.

2. Watch Video (10 minutes): Students will watch the video "How Do I Improve My Relationship With My Parents?". While watching, students should take notes on the key points and any questions they might have.

3. Discussion (4 minutes): After watching the video, open a discussion about the video's main points. What did they learn from it? How can they apply this knowledge to their personal lives?

4. Review the seven tips (5 minutes): Go through the seven tips mentioned below. Discuss each point and how it can be implemented in real-life situations. Ask students for their thoughts and opinions on each tip.

  1 - If You Want It, Give It!
  2 - Start Soft.
  3 - Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood.
  4 - Use Your Magic Words, Liberally.
  5 - Spend Some Quality Time With Parents.
  6 - Be A Great Repairer.
  7 - Let Your Parents Into Your Life.

5. Quiz (5 minutes): Provide the quiz to students and then share the correct answers.

6. Homework (optional): Ask students to reflect on their relationship with their parents. How can they apply the tips they learned today to improve this relationship? Write a one-page reflection.

One Page Handout

One Page Handout: Improving Your Relationship with Your Parents

1. Understanding Your Parents: Remember, your parents are humans too. They are dealing with hard emotions, stress, and are still in the life-long process of growing up. Being patiend, seeking to understand them, and giving them a little grace will go a long way to build a better relationship with them.  

2. Similar Goals, Different Paths: Both you and your parents want you to be successful and happy in life.  Parents tend to focus on:

  1. Safety
  2. Responsibility
  3. Open Communication
  4. Family Time
  5. Long-Term

While you may be more focused on:

  1. Having Fun
  2. Freedom
  3. Privacy
  4. Friend Time
  5. Focused on NOW!

The key is finding a balance that satisfies everyone.

3. Tips to Improve Your Relationship:

If You Want It, Give it!: Respect and kindness should always be your first response. Treat your parents how you want to be treated.

Start Soft: Begin conversations calmly and respectfully. This sets the tone for a more productive and peaceful discussion.

Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood": Try to understand your parents' perspectives before expressing your own. This can lead to more constructive conversations.

Use Magic Words... Liberaly: "Please", "Thank you", and "I'm sorry" can do wonders. Using these words can help keep relationships positive and respectful.

Spend Quality Time With Parents: This is something your parents desire. Engage in activities they enjoy to create a stronger bond and understanding.

Be A Great Repairer: Disagreements are inevitable. The ability to make peace and repair relationships is a valuable skill.

Let Your Parents Into Your Life: Share your world with them, even if it's a little scary. It helps in building a friendly relationship.

Remember, these are just tips. You know your relationship best. Continue doing what works for you, and don't be afraid to try out new strategies!


Quiz: Improving Your Relationship With Your Parents

  1. Why is it important to show patience and grace to your parents, according to the article? a) Because they demand it
    b) Because they are perfect
    c) Because they are emotional beings who may sometimes struggle in their responses
    d) Because they are always right

  2. What does the article suggest about the growth and maturity of parents? a) Parents have it all figured out
    b) Parents are always right
    c) Parents are still growing and learning throughout their lives
    d) Parents don't need to learn anything

  3. What common ground does the article suggest exists between parents and teenagers? a) They both want different things
    b) They have no common interests
    c) Both seek safety, responsibility, open communication, long-term choices, and time with family
    d) Parents only care about responsibilities, while teenagers only care about having fun

  4. What is the "golden rule" mentioned in the article? a) Treat others in the way they are treating you
    b) Treat others based on their age
    c) Treat others the way you wish to be treated
    d) Treat others according to their social status

  5. Why is it recommended to "start soft" in conversations? a) To assert dominance
    b) To get better results in difficult conversations
    c) To avoid conversations altogether
    d) To mimic others' behavior

  6. What are the "magic words" suggested in the article? a) Abracadabra, Presto, Hocus Pocus
    b) Hello, Goodbye, Thank you
    c) Please, Thank You, and I'm Sorry
    d) Secret, Code, Password

  7. According to the article, why should you spend quality time with your parents? a) Because they are demanding it
    b) To make your life significantly more difficult
    c) Because it's unnecessary
    d) To fulfill one of their desires and make your life easier

Quiz Answering Key


  1. c) Because they are emotional beings who may sometimes struggle in their responses
  2. c) Parents are still growing and learning throughout their lives
  3. c) Both seek safety, responsibility, open communication, long-term choices, and time with family
  4. c) Treat others the way you wish to be treated
  5. b) To get better results in difficult conversations
  6. c) Please, Thank You, and I'm Sorry
  7. d) To fulfill one of their desires and make your life easier


Summary: Improving Your Relationship With Your Parents

The article emphasizes the importance of improving relationships with parents and offers practical tips based on the author's experience in counseling parents and adolescents. It acknowledges that parents, like everyone else, are emotional beings and highlights the significance of showing them patience and grace, especially during challenging times. The article also stresses that parents are still growing and learning, encouraging understanding from their children.

A key insight is recognizing common ground between parents and adolescents. Despite differing priorities, both parties ultimately are seekin success and happiness. The article encourages teenagers to understand their parents' perspectives, fostering better communication and potentially gaining more freedom in return.

The practical tips provided include initiating respect, starting conversations in a soft and considerate manner, seeking understanding before being understood, and using polite language such as "Please," "Thank You," and "I'm Sorry." Spending quality time with parents and being a proactive "repairer" in strained moments are also emphasized. The article concludes by encouraging openness and sharing between parents and teenagers, ultimately fostering a more friendly and nurturing relationship.



"How Do I Improve My Relationship With My Parents"

To improve my relationship with my parents, I need to understand that just like me, they are emotional beings and are still growing. I should remember that our desires are not completely different, and by understanding their wants, I can communicate better. I can improve my relationship by practicing certain tips. Firstly, I should give what I want to receive - be it respect, kindness, or understanding. Secondly, I should start conversations softly. Thirdly, I should seek to understand my parents before trying to make them understand me. Using the magic words - "please," "thank you," and "I'm sorry" - liberally can also be helpful. I should spend quality time with my parents and learn to repair relationships when they become strained. Finally, I should let my parents into my life by sharing about my school, work, friends, etc. These simple things can significantly improve my relationship with my parents.

Additional Materials

Dear students,

I encourage you all to read an insightful article titled "How Do I Improve My Relationship With My Parents?" by Iuri Melo. This article provides valuable tips on improving your relationship with your parents. Please take some time to read and take notes on the key points.

In addition to this, I've also found some related articles that provide further insights into this topic. Here are the titles linked directly to the articles:

These articles will provide you with additional perspectives and tips on how to navigate and improve your relationship with your parents.

Happy reading!


Individual Activities

Activities: "How Do I Improve My Relationship With My Parents".

1. Activity: Reflect on Parental Emotions
Duration: 5-7 minutes
Description: I want you to take a few minutes to reflect on your parent's emotions. Think about a recent time when they seemed stressed, tired, or overwhelmed. Jot down how you responded to their emotional state and how you can show more patience and grace in similar situations in the future.

2. Activity: Understanding Wants and Needs
Duration: 5-7 minutes
Description: Now, let's delve into our wants and needs as well as our parents'. On the left side of a piece of paper, list down what you believe your parents want for you (e.g., safety, responsibility, etc.) and on the right side, list down what you want (e.g., freedom, fun, etc.). Once you've done this, try to find common ground between the two lists and ways in which you can negotiate a better understanding with your parents.

3. Activity: Practicing Magic Words
Duration: 5-7 minutes
Description: As suggested in the article, the magic words "Please, Thank You, and I'm Sorry" can be powerful tools in improving relationships. In this activity, I want you to write down three scenarios where you could have used these words with your parents in the past week. Reflect on how the situation might have been different if you had used these magic words.

Each of these activities aims to encourage introspection and understanding of your relationship with your parents. Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements.

Group Activity

Absolutely, Iuri! Here's an activity based on your insightful article:

Title: "Understanding and Improving Our Parent-Child Relationships"

Hi everyone! For today's activity, we're going to explore our relationships with our parents. We've all read the article "How Do I Improve My Relationship With My Parents" by Mr. Iuri Melo. Now it's time to dive deeper and put some of those tips into practice.

1. First, we'll divide ourselves into small groups. Each group will pick one of the seven tips from the article to discuss in detail.

2. Once you've chosen your tip, share personal experiences related to it. For example, if you chose "Start Soft," you might discuss a time when starting a conversation in a calm, respectful way led to a better outcome.

3. Next, brainstorm ways you could implement this tip in your relationship with your parents. Consider possible challenges and devise ways to overcome them.

4. Lastly, each group will prepare a quick role-play scenario illustrating the tip in action. It should show a situation where the tip wasn't initially used, the negative outcome, and then the same situation handled by using the tip, showing the improved outcome.

5. We will then come back together as a class and each group will present their role-play. This should spark further discussion and help us all learn from each other's experiences and insights.

Remember, improving our relationships with our parents is a continuous process, and these tips are tools that can help. Let's learn from each other and strive to build better, more understanding relationships in our lives.


Activity Title: "Understanding and Enhancing My Relationship with My Parents"

Materials Needed: A quiet space, a notebook, and a pen.

Activity Instructions:

1. Begin by taking a few minutes to quietly reflect on the relationship you currently have with your parents. Think about the conversations you typically have. Are they easy and open, or do they often lead to misunderstandings and arguments? Write down your thoughts in your notebook.

2. Next, remember Tip #3 from the article: "Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood." Write down a list of things you think your parents want for you and compare it with what you want for yourself. Are there any similarities? Differences? Write these down, as well.

3. Now, let's practice Tip #1: "If You Want It, Give It!" Think about three ways you can show respect, kindness, understanding, and patience to your parents in the coming week. Write these down in your notebook.

4. It's time to apply Tip #2: "Start Soft." Think of a topic that you usually argue about with your parents. How can you approach this topic in a soft, considerate, and respectful tone next time? Write down some phrases or conversation starters that reflect this approach.

5. Moving on to Tip #7: "Let Your Parents Into Your Life." Write down some topics about your life that you feel comfortable sharing with your parents. These could be about school, your hobbies, friends, or your feelings.

6. Finally, let's prepare for Tip #6: "Be A Great Repairer." Think of an instance where an argument or misunderstanding occurred with your parents. How can you apologize or make peace? Write down a sincere apology or a peace-making statement.

After completing this activity, take a moment to reflect on your feelings. Do you feel more equipped to improve your relationship with your parents? Remember, this is a journey, and it's okay to take small steps. The most important part is that you are trying and making an effort. See you soon!