Lesson Plans > How can I be more successful?

People who report experiencing more moments of achievement, whether it's getting a good grade on a test, or running a race, or learning a new song, or learning a new skill, or a new trick on the skateboard, or on the football field, or creating more mastery on the guitar, or piano, or art, or activity... the important part for you to know is this... when you invest in skills, in activities, in hobbies, in sports, in intellectual and educational pursuits, and you grow, and expand your abilities, you automatically increase your sense of happiness in life, and my brilliant and courageous friends, I desperately want you to live deep and suck out all of the marrow of life, and experience more moments of joy, satisfaction, and purpose.

25 Minute Lesson Plan

Absolutely, Iuri! Here's a 25-minute lesson plan based on your article "How can I be more successful?"


1. Students will listen to Iuri Melo's podcast episode "How can I be more successful?" and identify its main points.
2. Students will understand and discuss the seven quotes and their implications for personal success.


- Computer with internet access
- Projector
- Whiteboard and markers

**Lesson Plan:**

1. **Introduction (2 minutes)**: Briefly introduce the topic of personal success and its importance in life. Then, introduce Iuri Melo and his expertise in mental health and counseling.

2. **Podcast Listening (10 minutes)**: Provide students with the link to the podcast (https://schoolpulse.org/activity/how-can-i-become-more-successful/) and guide them to listen to it attentively. As they listen, encourage them to write down the seven quotes mentioned in the podcast.

3. **Group Discussion (8 minutes)**: After listening to the podcast, divide the class into small groups. Have each group discuss the seven quotes and their implications for personal success. Encourage students to share their interpretations and personal examples related to these quotes.

4. **Whole Class Discussion (3 minutes)**: Bring the class back together. Ask each group to share their main takeaways from their discussions. Write these takeaways on the board for everyone to see.

5. **Conclusion (2 minutes)**: Summarize the main points from the podcast and the class discussions. Emphasize the importance of persistence, vision, proactivity, hard work, social skills, and resilience in achieving personal success.


Ask students to choose one quote that resonated with them the most. They should write a one-page reflection on why this quote is meaningful to them and how they can apply it in their daily life to become more successful.


Students will be evaluated based on their participation in group and class discussions, as well as on their homework reflection.

One Page Handout

**One-Page Handout: How to be More Successful**

**1. Persist in Your Pursuit:**
Whatever the goal, remember the quote "Whatever you persist in doing becomes easier to do, not because the thing has changed but because your power to do it has increased." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Keep persisting, your brain and body will adapt and make it easier for you.

**2. Trust the Process:**
Success is an equation: Effort + Experience + Time = Success. Don't abandon your efforts if you're not immediately successful. Stay with it and trust the process.

**3. Create a Vision:**
Having a vision or a set of goals can guide your brain and focus. It can motivate you to strive for what you want. Remember, "Where there is no vision, the people perish."

**4. Be Proactive:**
Take the initiative in your life. Don't wait for opportunities to come to you, create them. As Stephen Covey said in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People," the first habit is to be proactive.

**5. Work Hard & Smart:**
There's no substitute for hard work. As Thomas Edison said, "Opportunity Is Missed By Most People Because It Is Dressed In Overalls and Looks Like Work." Make a commitment to work hard and smart.

**6. Be a People Person:**
Successful people are often those who can work well with others. Be valuable to people, work with them, and believe in their potential. Adopt the buddy system!

**7. Live, Die, Repeat:**
Don't be afraid of failure. If you fail, learn from the experience and try again. Remember the quote, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison.

**Remember:** Your psychology is crucial. A positive, growth mindset can help you tackle challenges and persist in your pursuit of success. Embrace the mindset of "I try - It's hard - I'll trust the process and keep trying." And as you strive for success, enjoy the journey and cherish the moments of achievement along the way.


Sure, here's a multiple choice quiz based on the article:

1. What is the first clue to help you become successful in life according to Ralph Waldo Emerson?
a) Trust the process
b) Invest in skills, activities, hobbies, sports, intellectual and educational pursuits
c) Persist in doing whatever you want to do
d) Have a vision

2. What does the quote "Trust the process" mean?
a) Everything in life is easy
b) Everything in life takes time and effort
c) You should always follow the crowd
d) You should always be spontaneous

3. According to the article, why is having a vision important?
a) It guarantees success
b) It helps guide your brain and focus
c) It makes you popular
d) It makes you feel better about yourself

4. What does being proactive mean according to Stephen Covey?
a) Waiting for others to take the initiative
b) Taking the initiative in life
c) Being reactive to situations
d) Being passive

5. What is the equation for success as mentioned in the article?
a) Effort + Experience + Time = Success
b) Effort + Time = Success
c) Success = Effort x Experience x Time
d) Experience + Time = Success

6. How does the article suggest you be a people person?
a) By having the best social skills
b) By being outgoing
c) By believing in, being valuable to, and working with people
d) By being the most popular person

7. What does the quote "Live, Die, Repeat" mean in the context of the article?
a) Literally live, die and repeat
b) Keep trying regardless of failures and rejections
c) Give up after the first try
d) Avoid failure at all costs

8. What mindset is encouraged by the article?
a) "I Try, it's hard, I quit"
b) "I tried - I didn't make it - It's stupid and I'll never try again"
c) "I'm trying - I'm failing - I need a little help, more practice, and my brain and body will learn anything I place in front of it, with a little time and effort"
d) "I tried, i got rejected, and I'm done"

Answer Key:
1. c) Persist in doing whatever you want to do
2. b) Everything in life takes time and effort
3. b) It helps guide your brain and focus
4. b) Taking the initiative in life
5. a) Effort + Experience + Time = Success
6. c) By believing in, being valuable to, and working with people
7. b) Keep trying regardless of failures and rejections
8. c) "I'm trying - I'm failing - I need a little help, more practice, and my brain and body will learn anything I place in front of it, with a little time and effort"


Hey there, my brilliant friends! Let's dive into the big question: how can we sprinkle a little more success into your lives? It's a tough one, but tackling hard questions is how we grow, right? So let's get into it.

First things first, did you know that a sense of achievement is one of the top characteristics of happy people? Yes, indeed! Whether it's acing a test, learning a new skill, or scoring a goal on the field, every achievement, big or small, boosts your happiness. So, let me tell you this: when you invest in skills and activities, you grow, and so does your happiness. It's like the universe's way of high-fiving you for doing a great job.

Now, let's drill down into the nuts and bolts of success. I've got 7 quotes for you that'll help you develop a mindset for success in all areas of life - school, relationships, sports, you name it.

First up, we have Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, "Whatever you persist in doing becomes easier to do, not because the thing has changed but because your power to do it has increased." Basically, your brain and body are like a top-notch computer system. They adapt to anything you throw at them. The key is persistence. Try, try, try, and watch the magic happen.

Next, "Trust the process." It's simple but powerful. Everything in life takes time, effort, and experience. So don't quit when things are tough. Stick with it, trust the process, and watch how all that effort pays off.

Then we've got, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Having a vision or goal gives your brain direction and focus. Don't just hope things will turn out well, take charge of your life and set a direction towards what you want.

Our fourth quote is "Be Proactive." You've to take the initiative in life. Don't wait for opportunities to come to you, get out there and create your own.

Quote number five, "Work hard & Smart." There is no substitute for hard work and preparation. Don't trust your talent, trust your hard work.

The sixth quote is all about relationships: "Be a people person." Your success and happiness in life are directly connected to your relationships and social networks.

And finally, "Live, Die, Repeat." Sometimes things won't work out as you planned, that's okay. Learn from the experience and go again. Persistence is key.

Alright, my brilliant friends, what do you think? I hope these ideas resonate with you. Remember, keep your motivation high, even when things get hard. Now go out there and make some magic happen! Cheerio!


Sure, I'd be glad to. Here's a condensed version of the article in first-person:

In my pursuit to help you achieve greater success, I've shared some key points. Firstly, creating a sense of achievement is crucial for overall wellbeing and happiness. Secondly, cultivating a mindset for success is essential. Here are the main takeaways:

1. "Whatever you persist in doing becomes easier to do" - Ralph Waldo Emerson. Persistence is key to success, your brain and body adapt to the tasks you continuously work on.

2. "Trust the process." Success takes time, effort, and experience. Don't quit early, instead, build your patient muscles and trust the process.

3. "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Having a vision or set of goals can guide your brain and focus. It's beneficial to live deliberately and consciously.

4. "Be Proactive." You must take the initiative in life. Opportunities will not always come to you, you must create your own.

5. "Work hard & smart." There's no substitute for practice and hard work. Being idle can bring catastrophic consequences.

6. "Be a people person." Your success and happiness are directly linked to your relationships and social networks. Be valuable to others and work with people.

7. "Live, Die, Repeat." If you fail, learn from the experience and try again. Persistence and emotional endurance are key.

Remember, your psychology is everything. Adopt the mindset: "I try - it's hard - I'll trust the process and keep trying." These are some of the tips to help you be successful. Let these ideas sink in and watch your motivation, hope, and optimism grow.

Additional Materials

Lesson Plan

Dear Students,

I would like to encourage you all to read an inspiring and insightful article titled "How can I become more successful?" by our very own Mr. Iuri Melo. Please take the time to read and take notes on the key points. This article is packed with valuable advice on how to create a mindset for success in every area of life.

Additionally, I have found a few other articles that supplement the ideas and concepts presented in Mr. Melo's article. These articles are age-appropriate and contain useful tips and strategies on how to achieve success in various aspects of life. Please find these articles listed below:

Happy reading and learning!

Indiviual Activities

Absolutely, Iuri. Here are three activities inspired by your article:

Activity 1: Reflecting on Quotes
Duration: 5-7 minutes

I will read the seven quotes mentioned in the article again. Now, I will take a few minutes to reflect on each one, ask myself what they mean to me, and how they can be applied in my life. I will then write a sentence or two about my thoughts for each quote in my journal. I'm not just taking these words at face value; I'm internalizing them and considering how they can shape my mindset and actions towards success.

Activity 2: Envisioning Success
Duration: 5-7 minutes

I will close my eyes and spend a few minutes imagining what success looks like for me. What am I doing? Who am I with? How do I feel? This is my vision. After this visualization, I will write down my vision in as much detail as possible, and also note down the steps I need to take to make this vision a reality. This is my roadmap to success.

Activity 3: My Success Mantra
Duration: 5-7 minutes

I will read over the article once more, and then I will create a personal mantra or slogan that embodies my approach to success. It could be a phrase, a sentence, or even just a few words. Something that resonates with me and motivates me to keep going even when things get tough. I will write it down and place it somewhere where I can see it every day. This will serve as a constant reminder of my commitment to my own success.

These activities are designed to help me reflect, plan, and motivate myself on my journey to success. I can revisit and revise them as I grow and my vision for success evolves.

Group Activity

Absolutely, here is a group activity based on your article "How can I be more successful?"

Activity: "Success Mantra Collage"

Hello everyone! Today we are going to dive into a group activity that will help us explore different pathways to success. We will be using the insights we've gleaned from the article "How can I be more successful?" that we read together.

First, I want you to form small groups of 4-5. Each group will be given a large sheet of poster paper. I will also provide you with markers, colored pencils, glue and magazines for collage material.

Your task is to create a "Success Mantra Collage". Remember the seven quotes from the article? I want you to pick one quote that resonates with you the most as a group. Discuss why you chose this quote and what it means to each of you in terms of success.

Once you've chosen your quote, it's time to get creative. Draw, write, or collage images that represent your chosen quote. Include personal interpretations and real-life examples. Make sure every member of the group contributes to the collage.

To add a bit of challenge, I want you to also include a symbol or image that represents a barrier or challenge to success, and then counteract it with an image or symbol that represents overcoming that barrier, based on the advice from the article.

Once you've completed your collage, each group will have a chance to present their collage to the class, discussing the quote they chose, their images and symbols, and their understandings of success.

Remember, the goal is not just to create a pretty collage, but to dive deeper into the concept of success, understand the obstacles and find ways to overcome them. You have about 5-7 minutes to create your collages and we will spend the remaining time sharing and discussing our collages.

Let's get started!


Sure, I can create a fun and engaging activity based on the article you wrote. Here it is:

Activity: "Explore Your Success Path"

Materials Needed: Pen, paper, and a willing heart.


1. Start by finding a comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Have your pen and paper ready.

2. Take a few moments to think about the seven quotes mentioned in the article. Pick one quote that resonates with you the most. Write it down on your paper.

3. Now, let's dig deeper into this quote. What does it mean to you? How does it connect with your life? Write down your thoughts and feelings about this quote.

4. Next, think about a particular area in your life where you want to be more successful. It could be anything from improving your grades to learning a new skill. Write this down on your paper.

5. Now, using the insight from the quote, create a step-by-step action plan on how you can achieve success in this area. Remember, it's about trusting the process, being proactive, working hard, and being persistent.

6. Once you've written down your action plan, share it with your parents, siblings or guardians. Discuss your plan with them and ask for their thoughts and suggestions. This can help you to refine your plan and make it more effective.

7. Lastly, make a commitment to yourself to follow this action plan. Remember, success doesn't happen overnight. It requires consistent effort and patience.

8. Repeat this activity anytime you feel stuck or need a boost in motivation.

Remember, the journey to success starts with a single step. Believe in yourself and never stop trying. Good luck!