Lesson Plans > How can I get some respect?

Learn the difference between fear and respect, and discover practical tips on how to gain respect from others by giving respect, being humble, and leading with effort. Find out how to navigate challenging relationships and inspire respect through your actions and attitude.

25 Minute Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: "How Can I Get Some Respect?"

Objective 1:
- By the end of the lesson, students will have listened to the podcast "How Can I Get Some Respect?" on Schoolpulse. (https://schoolpulse.org/activity/how-can-i-get-some-respect/)

Objective 2:
- By the end of the lesson, students will understand the main points from the article and will be able to apply the concepts to their own life.

- Access to the Schoolpulse website
- Copies of the article "How Can I Get Some Respect?"
- Notebooks or paper for students
- Pens or pencils

Lesson Procedure:

1. **Introduction (5 minutes)**:
- Start the class by introducing the topic. Share with the students that the lesson will focus on respect: how to give it and how to earn it.
- Explain that they'll be listening to a podcast and reading an article by Iuri Melo, a Licensed Therapist and Co-founder of Schoolpulse.

2. **Podcast Listening (10 minutes)**:
- Direct students to listen to the podcast "How Can I Get Some Respect?" on Schoolpulse.
- Encourage students to take notes on the main points.

3. **Discussion (5 minutes)**:
- After listening to the podcast, have a brief class discussion. Ask students to share their initial reactions to the podcast. What did they think about the story of the cruel king and Jack the dog? What lessons did they learn from it?

4. **Article Reading (5 minutes)**:
- Distribute copies of the article "How Can I Get Some Respect?"
- Ask students to read the article and underline or highlight key points that resonate with them.

5. **Wrap-up Discussion (5 minutes)**:
- Finally, have a wrap-up discussion based on the article. Discuss the tips and ideas that Iuri shares about how to give and gain respect. Ask students to share which tips they found most helpful and how they plan to apply them in their own lives.

- Ask students to reflect on a time when they felt disrespected. Using Iuri's tips, ask them to write about how they could have handled the situation differently to gain more respect.

One Page Handout

Absolutely, Iuri! Here's a simplified, one-page handout summarizing the main points from your article that's suitable for high school students:


1. **If you want respect, give it!** Treat others with kindness, consideration, forgiveness, compassion, and understanding. This applies to all relationships, including with parents, siblings, teachers, and classmates.

2. **Leave people and circumstances better than you found them.** Be a positive contributor in all situations, whether it's with your team, at home, or in your classroom.

3. **Walk the talk.** Show integrity by aligning your actions with your words. Avoid hypocrisy and follow through on your promises.

4. **Beware of the ME monster!** Humility invites respect. Be quick to give credit to others and slow to boost yourself.

5. **Keep your cool!** Learn to manage your thoughts and feelings. Maintain self-control in all situations and avoid lashing out in anger or frustration.

6. **Be part of the solution, not the problem!** Avoid blaming others and painting yourself as a victim. Instead, search for solutions and take action to improve your life.

7. **Win and lose with honor.** Show sportsmanship by congratulating others, cheering up those who lost or struggled, and viewing every event as part of a greater process of personal growth.

8. **Admit when you're wrong.** Honesty gains respect. When you make a mistake, own up to it and take responsibility for your actions.

9. **Be quick to forgive.** Show compassion towards others and forgive their mistakes and errors. This will make you happier and free of conflict and bitterness.

10. **Lead with effort.** Dedicate time and effort to build your skills. This could be in music, art, sports, academics, or any other area you're passionate about.

Remember, your respectful behavior and attitude may not always be reciprocated, but that doesn't mean you should stop. If you are in a situation where you're constantly disrespected despite your best efforts, it's okay to shift your focus elsewhere. Always strive to be a source of respect.


Absolutely, here's the multiple choice quiz based on your article "How can I get some respect?".

1. What is one of the main differences between fear and respect?
a) Respect is based on admiration, fear is based on physical harm
b) Fear is based on admiration, respect is based on physical harm
c) Both are based on physical harm
d) Both are based on admiration

2. How can I start gaining respect according to the article?
a) By demanding it from others
b) By giving respect first
c) By being fearful
d) By being rude and manipulative

3. What's a good way to leave people and circumstances better than you found them?
a) By being disrespectful
b) By being stingy with your compliments
c) By being generous with your criticism
d) By being a positive contributor

4. What is the significance of 'walking the talk' in the context of respect?
a) It's about doing what you promise
b) It's about making false promises
c) It's about ignoring what you promise
d) None of the above

5. What is the 'ME monster' according to the article?
a) It's about being humble and respectful
b) It's about being arrogant and superior
c) It's about being fearful
d) It's about being kind and compassionate

6. How can keeping your cool help in gaining respect?
a) It shows that you have self-control
b) It shows that you are emotionally unstable
c) It shows that you are fearful
d) None of the above

7. How does being part of the solution instead of the problem help in gaining respect?
a) It demonstrates your ability to blame others
b) It demonstrates your willingness to complain
c) It demonstrates your ability to find solutions
d) It demonstrates your ability to act as a victim

8. Why is admitting your mistakes important in gaining respect?
a) It shows your honesty and integrity
b) It shows that you can blame others for your faults
c) It shows that you are never wrong
d) It shows that you can hide your mistakes

9. What is the role of forgiveness in gaining respect?
a) It repairs strained relationships
b) It strains relationships further
c) It has no role in gaining respect
d) It harms the person who is forgiving

10. How does leading with effort help in gaining respect?
a) It shows your willingness to put in the time and build your skill
b) It shows your laziness and lack of effort
c) It shows your unwillingness to work hard
d) It has no effect on gaining respect

Answer Key:

1. a) Respect is based on admiration, fear is based on physical harm
2. b) By giving respect first
3. d) By being a positive contributor
4. a) It's about doing what you promise
5. b) It's about being arrogant and superior
6. a) It shows that you have self-control
7. c) It demonstrates your ability to find solutions
8. a) It shows your honesty and integrity
9. a) It repairs strained relationships
10. a) It shows your willingness to put in the time and build your skill



Sure, here's a summary of the article "How can I get some respect?" in a TL;DR format:

I'm Iuri Melo, a licensed therapist and co-founder of Schoolpulse, and I'm here to give you some tips on how you can earn respect from others. It all starts with understanding the difference between fear and respect, and choosing to build your relationships on the latter. Here are the main points to remember:

1. Give respect to receive it. Treat everyone around you with kindness and compassion, even when it's not reciprocated. Life is not fair, but keep your heart clean.

2. Always leave people and situations better than you found them. Your attitude and behavior can transform any circumstance, so make a positive contribution whenever possible.

3. Walk the talk. People respect those who follow through with their promises and avoid hypocrisy. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

4. Beware of the 'ME' monster. Humility is attractive and invites respect. Make your interactions about others, not just about you.

5. Keep your cool. Maintain self-control and manage your emotions. Wisdom is born when emotions are married to reason and compassion.

6. Be part of the solution, not the problem. Stop blaming others and start looking for solutions. Feed your hope and optimism.

7. Win and lose with honor. Treat all experiences as part of a greater process of making you a better, wiser, stronger, and more complete person.

8. Admit when you're wrong. Honesty and owning up to your mistakes increases respect for you.

9. Be quick to forgive. Forgiveness is a blessing to both the giver and the receiver.

10. Lead with effort. The amount of time, effort, and sacrifice you put into your skills will earn you respect.

Remember, if your respectful behavior isn't reciprocated, it's okay to redirect your energy elsewhere. Be the good in your neighborhood, and let your actions inspire respect from others.

Additional Materials

Sure, Iuri Melo! Here is the HTML code that incorporates your instructions: ```html

Reading Assignment

Dear students, please take the time to read an insightful article titled "How Can I Get Some Respect?" by our renowned counselor, Iuri Melo. Be sure to take notes on the key points as they will be beneficial for our upcoming discussions.

Additional Reading

For further understanding, here are additional resources on similar topics:

``` This HTML code includes a reading assignment section where students are encouraged to read your article and take notes. It also provides a list of related articles from various websites, with direct links to the articles for the students to easily access.

Indiviual Activities

Absolutely, Iuri! Let's create activities that will help students to understand and apply the concepts in your article.

Activity 1: Reflecting on Respect

Time: 5-7 minutes


1. Take a moment and think about a time when you felt disrespected. Write down what happened, how you felt, and how you reacted.

2. Now, recall a time when you felt respected. Again, write down the event, your feelings, and your response.

3. Compare the two situations. What were the differences in your feelings and reactions?

4. Reflect on how you can use the tips from the article to bring more respect into your life. Write down at least three strategies you can start applying today.

Activity 2: The Role of Respect in Relationships

Time: 5-7 minutes


1. Pick three relationships in your life: one with a family member, one with a friend, and one with a teacher or coach.

2. For each relationship, write down how respect currently plays a role. Are you respectful to them? Do they respect you?

3. Now think about ways you can improve the level of respect in each relationship. Write down at least one action you can take for each relationship.

4. Commit to applying these actions in the next week and observe any changes in these relationships.

Activity 3: Visualizing Respect

Time: 5-7 minutes


1. Draw a picture or create a collage that represents what respect looks like to you. This can be a symbolic representation or a more literal one.

2. In a few sentences, write down what your picture or collage represents and why you chose to represent respect in this way.

3. Think about how you can bring more of this representation of respect into your daily life. Write down two actions you can take.

Remember, respect starts with you. By showing respect to others, you set the standard for how you want to be treated.

Group Activity

Absolutely, here is the activity:

Activity: "Respect Role-Play"

Duration: 5-7 minutes

Materials Needed: Copies of scenarios (printed or projected on a screen)


1. "Hello, class! Based on our recent article, 'How can I get some respect?', we will be conducting an activity to help us understand respect further. We are going to role-play some scenarios that demand respect, and we'll see how applying the principles from the article can help us navigate these situations."

2. "Firstly, I will divide you into groups of four. Each group will receive a scenario that you will have to discuss and role-play. You will need to identify the challenges to respect within the scenario and come up with a respectful resolution."

3. "You'll have three minutes to prepare your role-play, and then each group will have two minutes to perform their scenario and resolution to the rest of the class. Remember, our goal here is not to showcase acting skills but to understand and apply the principles of respect we discussed in the article."

4. "Take note of the different ways respect can be exhibited in these scenarios. Remember, respect is not just about treating others well, but also about treating ourselves well."

5. "Once we're done with the role-plays, we'll take a few minutes to reflect on what we've learned and how we can apply these lessons in our daily lives. Let's get started!"


1. You see a classmate being bullied in the hallway.
2. A group project is not going well because one member isn't contributing.
3. You overhear a friend speaking badly about another friend.
4. A disagreement with a teacher over a grade.

Remember, these scenarios are opportunities to explore how we can gain respect by giving respect, even in challenging situations. Let's work together and learn how to navigate these situations respectfully.


Absolutely, Iuri! Here's an engaging and interactive activity based on your insightful article:

Activity Title: "Respect Starts Here: An Interactive Activity"

Step 1: Introduction

Dear Students,

Today, we'll be doing an activity based on the article "How can I get some respect?" that we read in class. Let's get your parents, siblings, or guardians involved for a fun and insightful 10-15 minute activity.

Step 2: Discussion

To begin, let's have a quick discussion about the article. Share what you understand about respect and the difference between respect and fear as explained in the article. Ask your family members about their thoughts and have a brief conversation about it.

Step 3: Role-play

Now, let's do a bit of role-playing. Pair up with a family member and act out a scenario where one person is showing respect, and another is showing fear. Try to incorporate the principles we learned from the article. After each role-play, discuss what you observed and how you can apply these lessons in your everyday life.

Step 4: Respect Pledge

Lastly, individually write down a "Respect Pledge", a commitment to how you will show respect to others moving forward. This could involve committing to "Walk the talk", "Be quick to forgive", or any other principle from the article that resonated with you. Share your pledge with your family and discuss how you plan to implement it in your daily life.

This activity is a step towards understanding how to earn and give respect. Remember, respect starts with you! Thank you for participating and I look forward to hearing about your experiences and learning in our next class.

With respect,
[Your Name]