Lesson Plans > What is the Success Sequence?

Discover the Success Sequence, a research-backed approach that shows how completing education, working full-time, and having children after marriage can significantly reduce poverty and increase financial stability. Learn how your choices and actions can shape your future, regardless of your current circumstances. Embrace the drive for self-improvement and take steps towards a more successful and fulfilling life.

25 Minute Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan:

Title: Understanding the Success Sequence

Duration: 25 minutes

Objective 1:
- Students will listen to the podcast "What is the Success Sequence?" available at [Schoolpulse](https://schoolpulse.org/videos/watch/199/).

Objective 2:
- Students will understand and discuss the main points of the Success Sequence.

- Computer with internet access for listening to the podcast
- Article "What is the Success Sequence?"
- Note-taking materials


1. Introduction (5 minutes)
- Briefly introduce the topic and discuss the importance of understanding the Success Sequence in achieving success and avoiding poverty.
- Provide students with the context and background of the author, Iuri Melo.

2. Podcast Listening (10 minutes)
- Direct students to the provided [link](https://schoolpulse.org/videos/watch/199/) to listen to the podcast.
- Encourage them to take notes while listening, focusing on the main points of the Success Sequence.

3. Group Discussion (5 minutes)
- After listening to the podcast, facilitate a group discussion.
- Ask students to share their thoughts about the podcast and the Success Sequence.
- Discuss the three simple rules of the Success Sequence:
1. Completing education or graduation
2. Working full time
3. Having children after marriage

4. Article Reading and Discussion (5 minutes)
- Have students read the article "What is the Success Sequence?"
- Discuss the main points from the article, focusing on the importance of education, working full time, and family planning in achieving success and avoiding poverty.

- Ask students to write a short essay on how they plan to implement the Success Sequence in their lives or how they believe it could be beneficial to society.

- Students will be evaluated based on their participation in group discussions and their understanding of the Success Sequence as reflected in their essays.

One Page Handout

Absolutely! Here's a one-page handout summarizing the main points of your article, tailored for high school students:


**Title: The Success Sequence: Guide to a Successful Future**

**What is the Success Sequence?**

The Success Sequence is a research-based set of three key steps that, when followed in order, can significantly improve your chances of financial stability and success:

1. **Complete your education.**
2. **Work full-time.**
3. **Have children after you are married.**

**Key Takeaways:**

- **Your Choices Matter:** The ideas, perspectives, and actions that you take now will shape your future.

- **Your Future is in Your Hands:** You are the captain of your soul. Your choices and actions will direct the course of your life.

- **Data Backs the Success Sequence:** Only about 2% of individuals who follow the Success Sequence end up in poverty, and nearly 75% join the middle class or make at least $55,000 per year.

- **Additional Education Helps:** Evidence supports that a college degree, technical degree or certificate improves your financial prospects and job satisfaction.


- **Everyone's Path is Different:** Just because someone didn't follow these steps and succeeded doesn't mean you should not consider them.

- **The Past Does Not Define You:** Don't let past mistakes or failures hold you back. Learn from them and move forward.

- **You Can Improve:** We all have the capability to repair, fix, and improve our lives.

- **Slow Progress is Still Progress:** The speed at which you progress is less important than the direction in which you're heading.

This handout is not meant to dictate your life but to help you make informed decisions. The Success Sequence is a guideline, not a rule. Everyone's journey is unique, and you have the power to steer your own course.


I hope this handout is helpful for your students, Iuri!


Sure, here's a multiple choice quiz based on the article:

1. What does the author compare the ideas, psychology, and perspectives that you feed your mind to?
A) Clothes
B) Food
C) Books
D) Music

2. What does the author 100% know about you?
A) Your future goals and objectives
B) Your past experiences
C) Your confidence about your future
D) Your desire to find happiness, success, and great relationships

3. What is the Success Sequence?
A) A sequence of steps to achieve success
B) A sequence of steps to avoid failure
C) A sequence of steps to achieve financial stability
D) A sequence of steps to achieve happiness

4. According to the Success Sequence, what order should these life events be completed in?
A) Graduate, work full-time, have children after marriage
B) Work full-time, graduate, have children after marriage
C) Graduate, have children after marriage, work full-time
D) Have children after marriage, graduate, work full-time

5. According to the data, what percentage of individuals who follow the Success Sequence end up in poverty?
A) 2%
B) 10%
C) 20%
D) 50%

6. What does the author say about additional education?
A) It improves the amount of money you make
B) It increases your attractiveness to employers
C) It makes people happier in their work
D) All of the above

7. What does the author say about the past?
A) We should dwell on it
B) We should forget about it
C) We should learn from it
D) We should ignore it

8. Who is Abraham Maslow?
A) An old Psychology Dude
B) A famous author
C) A successful entrepreneur
D) A renowned scientist

9. What does Abraham Maslow call the drive to grow, expand, and improve?
A) The drive for self-realization
B) The quest for fulfillment
C) The drive to self-actualize
D) The evolution of the species

10. According to the author, what is more important than the speed of your progress?
A) The direction
B) The destination
C) The journey
D) The motivation

Answer Key:
1. B) Food
2. D) Your desire to find happiness, success, and great relationships
3. A) A sequence of steps to achieve success
4. A) Graduate, work full-time, have children after marriage
5. A) 2%
6. D) All of the above
7. C) We should learn from it
8. A) An old Psychology Dude
9. C) The drive to self-actualize
10. A) The direction


Hey there, friends! I'm here to share something super cool with you today. It's called the "Success Sequence." Now you might be asking yourself, "what in the world is that?" Well, let me tell you!

The Success Sequence is research that shows if you follow three simple rules in your life, you're highly likely to avoid poverty and enjoy a financially secure life. The rules are simple: graduate, work full-time, and if you want to have kids, wait till after marriage. Crazy right? Only about 2% of folks who follow these rules end up in poverty, and about 75% join the middle class.

Now, I understand life is full of variables. Lots of things can, and will, impact your future. But the data is clear. Following these steps, in this order, dramatically improves your chances of avoiding poverty and increasing your financial security.

Let me be crystal here, my job isn't to tell you how to live your life. That's your gig. I am just here to share some facts and hopefully influence your mindset. Remember, "it's your decisions, not your conditions that will ultimately determine your destiny." In other words, it's your choices that will shape your future.

Interestingly, the data also reveals that folks who struggle to complete these steps are more prone to experiencing poverty. I'm absolutely certain you know people who have not completed these steps, in that order, and they're doing fine. That's awesome for them!

But, here's the deal, I am not sharing this so you can judge others. I am sharing this to give you some steps to follow that could significantly increase your chances of financial success and avoid the hardship of poverty.

Now, it's not all about money. Pursuing further education, such as a college or technical degree, can make you more attractive to employers. Plus, it can lead to insurance, paid time off, and other perks.

I'm not here to preach, I'm just here to give you some road signs to follow. If you're feeling uncertain about your future, these markers could be a significant help.

And hey, if your life doesn't match these suggestions, don't sweat it. The past is the past. We can learn from it or run from it. The choice is yours.

What I'm hoping is that you'll pack your bags, move to the present, and find courage in these words. Start taking steps to add these markers to your life, and watch as doors of opportunity, confidence, and security begin to open for you. Remember, it's not about the speed, it's about the direction.

So, friends, let's full send into the future, shall we? Let's follow these steps and see where they take us. I'm rooting for you!


Sure, here's a TL;DR summary of your article, "What is the Success Sequence?" in first person:

The Success Sequence is a research-backed guide to achieving happiness, success, and financial stability. It's a three-step process: complete your education, get full-time work, and have children after marriage. These steps, when followed in order, dramatically reduce the likelihood of poverty and significantly increase the chance of a secure financial future.

However, life is full of variables and I acknowledge that these steps might not be the perfect fit for everyone. What's crucial is the choices we make, not the circumstances we're in. Even if you've strayed from this sequence, it's never too late to realign your life and start taking steps towards these markers. It's about moving forward, growing, and improving - a drive we all have inside us, which psychologists call the drive to self-actualize.

Remember, the journey to success is not a sprint but a marathon. The pace doesn't matter as much as the direction. It's not all about money either - pursuing additional education can lead to increased job satisfaction and additional benefits. Ultimately, it's about creating a life where you have the freedom to pursue the things you love.

Additional Materials

Of course, Iuri. Here's your information in HTML format: ```html

Dear Students,

I highly recommend you read the article penned by our co-founder and resident therapist, Iuri Melo. It's titled "What is the Success Sequence?" and it contains impactful insights about the steps that can lead to success, happiness, and financial stability in life. You can find the article here. Please ensure to take notes on the key points as it will be beneficial for our upcoming discussions.

In addition, I've found some articles that align with the content of Iuri's article. These articles dive deeper into the topic of success and are geared towards your age group. Here they are:

  1. "7 Reasons Why You Should Be Teaching Your Children to Be Leaders" - Success.com
  2. "How to Teach Your Teen Resilience" - Verywellfamily.com
  3. "Adolescence and the Problems of Success" - Psychologytoday.com
  4. "Teaching Your Child to Embrace Success and Failure" - Understood.org

Make sure to read these articles and reflect on the messages they convey. Your knowledge and understanding of these topics will greatly enhance our discussions and your personal growth.

Happy reading!

``` Please copy and paste this HTML content into the section you specified.

Indiviual Activities

Absolutely, Iuri! Here are three activities based on your article "What is the Success Sequence?".

Activity 1: "Reflecting on the Success Sequence"
Take 5-7 minutes to read over the Success Sequence steps mentioned in the article. Reflect on your own life and write down how these steps could apply to you. Are there any steps you've already completed, or are planning to complete? Write about how you feel these steps might influence your future and why. Remember, there's no right or wrong answer here. It's all about your personal journey.

Activity 2: "Visualizing Your Success"
Now that you've read about the Success Sequence, take 5-7 minutes to create a visual representation of your future success. This can be a drawing, a mind map, a collage, or even a digital design. Include the steps of the Success Sequence and how they relate to your personal goals. This visual representation can serve as a reminder of your plans and aspirations.

Activity 3: "Creating Your Action Plan"
Spend 5-7 minutes creating an action plan based on the Success Sequence. Write down what you need to do to complete each step, and set a timeline for when you hope to achieve them. This can be a simple list, a detailed plan, or even a series of reminders on your phone. The important part is to start thinking about how you can actively work towards your success.

Remember, these activities are not tests or assignments to be graded. They're meant to help you think about your future in a structured way. As you complete each activity, keep an open mind and remember that everyone's journey is unique.

Group Activity

Absolutely, here's a group activity based on the article "What is the Success Sequence?"

Activity Title: "Navigating the Success Sequence"

1. Print-outs of the article "What is the Success Sequence?"
2. Large sheets of paper or poster board for each group
3. Markers, pens, or colored pencils


1. I will divide you into small groups and hand out a copy of the article "What is the Success Sequence?" to each group. You'll have 5-7 minutes to read and discuss the article amongst yourselves.

2. After reading the article, your group will be tasked to create a visual roadmap of the Success Sequence as described in the article. The roadmap should include the three key steps – completing education, working full time, and having children after marriage – but should also include the other factors mentioned in the article that contribute to success and happiness.

3. As you create your roadmap, consider the following:
- What are some potential obstacles or detours that might occur along the way?
- How can you overcome these obstacles or get back on track after a detour?
- What are some additional steps or milestones you might include on your roadmap to success?

4. Once you've completed your roadmap, you'll present it to the rest of the class. Each group should explain the reasoning behind their roadmap and how it reflects the concepts from the article.

5. Remember, the goal of this activity is not only to understand the Success Sequence but also to explore how these steps may apply to your own life and futures. Keep an open mind and be ready to learn from one another.


Absolutely, here's an activity designed around your insightful article "What is the Success Sequence".

Activity Title: "Mapping Out Your Success Sequence"

Materials Needed:
1. A sheet of paper
2. A pen or pencil


1. Start by reading the article "What is the Success Sequence" together. Discuss the main points and the Success Sequence steps: Completing education, working full-time, and starting a family after marriage.

2. After reading, I want you to grab a sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. In the center of the paper, write down your name and draw a circle around it. This circle represents you.

3. Now, think about your future. Draw three arrows from your circle, each representing a step in the Success Sequence. Label them as "Education", "Full-Time Work", and "Family".

4. Under each arrow, write down specific goals related to each step. For example, under "Education" you might write, "Graduate high school and get a college degree in psychology." Under "Full-Time Work", you might write, "Find a job that I love and that allows me to use my degree." Under "Family", you might write, "Get married and have children when I'm ready and financially stable."

5. Discuss your goals with your family. Listen to their experiences and advice. Remember, the journey to success is not a race, but a journey that you can take at your own pace.

6. Lastly, keep this paper in a place where you can see it often. It will serve as a visual reminder of your goals and the steps you need to take to achieve them.

Remember, the Success Sequence is a guideline, not a rule. Everyone's journey is unique and it's important to make choices that are right for you. It's your decisions, not your conditions that will ultimately determine your destiny. You are the captain of your soul, and your choices and actions will most absolutely direct the course of your life.