Videos > 3 Tips for the holidays

Hey there! I'm thrilled that you're taking a few minutes to prep for a fantastic holiday season. Regardless of your situation, let's dive into three quick tips.

  1. Be a Giver: Embrace the season by lending a hand without expecting anything in return. Whether it's helping at home or supporting others, give freely and cheerfully. Practice secret giving—no need for recognition. Remember, the more you give, the more you'll receive.

  2. Spread Kindness: Make this holiday season about kindness, both to yourself and others. Small gestures, compliments, and acts of love matter most. Focus on being valuable rather than seeking recognition. Own a perspective shift: be valuable instead of seeking to be valued.

  3. Have Fun: Plan enjoyable activities with family and friends. Life isn't served on a silver platter; go out and grab it! Say YES to invitations, contribute to activities, and be present. Take ownership, be a creator, and remember, if something isn't happening, make it better and more fun.

In summary, here's to an amazing holiday! Use this time to reset, enjoy your break, and get ready for a fantastic new year. Be a giver, spread kindness, and dive into the fun. Go out there and live the good life!