Mental Health Resources at Tupelo High School

Local Resources

Tupelo High School Counselor
LifeCore Mobile Crisis Response Team - 1-866-255-9986

If you are concerned about someone in a crisis, many of the following resources are available 24/7. Use links below for more information.

If you are dealing with an emergency, please call 911.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24/7 for individuals who may be suicidal. If you are anxious about calling or would like information about what happens when you call a crisis line read this article. What happens when you call the suicide prevention lifeline?

National Crisis Text Line can be accessed 24/7 by texting HOME to 741741.

Activity of the week

How can I deal with anxiety better?

Learn effective short and long-term techniques to manage anxiety and stress. Discover how to identify anxious thoughts, ask better questions, take action, and change your relationship with your thoughts and feelings. Reclaim control over your life and pursue your goals despite anxiety.