Can you help me set some goals?

Steps to complete this activity:

Can you help me set some goals?

  1. Watch the video or read the article
  2. Reflect & write
  3. Complete the quiz


Did you know that the simple process of thinking about and setting some goals can create some internal motivation and happiness? Yup! Give it a go! Let's set some goals and let that light of yours shine a little brighter.


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Can you help me set some goals?

Hello there my amazing people... I mean... do you guys just wake up every day and look in the mirror in amazement, and say to yourselves...Man, I'm going to take the world by storm. I'm going to live deep, suck out all the marrow of life, and live a little more on purpose, a little more deliberately, instead of just by accident. I'm going to seize every moment! I'm going to find the very best things that this life has to offer my mind, my body, my spirit, and I'm going to say YES, and I'm going to send it! Are you in awe any time you jump, run, read, do a kickflip, play an instrument, catch a pass, ride a bike, sing, draw, or write, in part because all of these skills require such complex actions inside your body and mind that happen almost without any effort on your part. You are a phenomenal instrument! Your capacity to learn anything is almost limitless.

I'm reminded of this amazing quote by maryanne williamson, who said, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? We are all meant to shine, as children do... And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." I mean does that sound crazy to you? Am I going over the line and just sounding ridiculous right now? People, it's no secret, I want to raise your sights. I want the best of you, to lead the rest of you. My hope is that today, you'll take a step in the direction of courage and confidence, and slowly begin to migrate away from fear and insecurity, and instead, let your courage, your dreams, your values, your most intelligent ideas and actions be what drives this unfolding life of yours. "Alright, enough of the monologue, and let's get to the question funny man", ok, here's the question you asked?: "Can you help me set some goals?"

Can I? I would be honored! Ok, can I run a workshop on you right now? I promise by the time you're done, I guarantee you'll feel better! Try it out. So here's what you are going to need... If you've got a phone, wonderful, let's use it. If you don't, grab a pen or pencil and little piece of paper, and let's go for it. If you're on your phone, open up your notes and write a totally sweet title, like "Totally sweet goals for 2024," or "Dream Big," or "Go Goals," or "Level UP," or "2024 Upgrade." I know I'm old and I don't speak your sweet lingo, just give it a fun title, but don't get stuck here, move on with me to the next steps. Next write down these next goal titles or subheadings: Physical, Mental, School, Family, Friends, Fun, and if you wish, Spiritual, and you know, just leave a little space in between each one so that you can write one or two or three goals for each one. So when I'm talking goals, I want you to think of two types of goals; one-time goals, and long-term goals.

For example, under fun you may put a one-time goal of -going to a 21 pilots concert-, or go watch that movie you're wanting to see in the movie theater, or for a long-term goal you can put down, learning how to become an absolute boss at the kazoo, or the guitar, or the ukulele. But as you are doing these goals, i want you to think fun, not boring, think wise, smart... stuff that will fill your life with enjoyment, and long-term satisfaction... think of things that will open doors for you, and bring some skill and depth to your life. So when this short episode is over, get to work writing 1-2 or -3 goals for each one of these categories... Remember, Physical, Mental, School, Family, Friends, Fun, and Spiritual. Be specific, and when possible, write down the when, where, and how for each goal. That will make them much more likely to be accomplished. So for example, Don't just say, start jogging, or get in shape, instead, say, I'm going to jog 3 times a week, mon, wed, friday, the moment I wake up. Or, I'm going to join the cross country team, or I'm going to learn how to play "Hotel California" on the guitar, or "I'm going to find a buddy to go to the gym with," You get the idea. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to make it happen.

My friend... do this, have fun with it... I promise by the time you are done, you will feel more motivated, more encouraged, more in control of your life, and more optimistic about the future. Even if you just do one per category. Think simple, think fun, think adventure, think stuff that your future self would thank you for.

Let me brainstorm some ideas for you that will get your mind and brain going... check it out. For physical, you can make a goal to do 50 push ups per day, 25 when i wake up, 25 when i go to bed. Run a 5K or 10K or half-marathon, or go for a walk every sunday, or learn to do Yoga, or play a sport, or join a team. For Mental, you can make a goal to watch the videos we send you every week, or watch an inspirational movie, or read a cool self-help book... "iuri, is there really a cool self-help book?" Ummm... yah! Have you ever heard of "Know Thy Selfie?" Or you can learn to draw, or write poetry, or edit videos, or learn how to play an instrument, or learn how to play chess, or do sudoku. For School, you could set a goal to turn in all of my assignments for the year, be more involved in classes, make friends with your teachers, join choir, or Future Business Leaders of America, get a 3.0, or 4.0, or 5.0 if you're really smart! For family, you could make a goal to be more helpful at home...take out the trash, smile more often, make my bed first thing every morning, spend 5 minutes cleaning my room everyday to your favorite tune, or be a little kinder to your siblings. For friends, make a goal to make a new friend, or to make a friend in every class, or to not gossip, or to compliment your friends every day, or go to your school dances, or join a club. For Fun... for heaven's sake, let's find some fun and add it to your day my friend... I mean, we can do this right? Learn to rock climb, learn how to do a rubiks cube, create a favorite comedians playlist, go to a concert, try something new, laugh more often, for spiritual, learn to meditate, pray more mindfully, read a spiritual book, join a group or congregation, or be more involved.

My friend, I could go on, but honestly it's not necessary, my job is only to get your brain moving, to get it searching, seeking, and ultimately to find those things that will help you to grow and shine in this life. Listen to me, you're the boss, i can't make you do this, but you have to... we must. What we can be, we must be in this life... does that make sense?... we have to move, to create some form of momentum in our lives, that's how it works, there is no other way. And if we want to create movement, then it helps to have a little direction, some perspective, some idea where we are headed, or we will just be a boat in the middle of the ocean, getting blown about without a rudder and without direction... that's not for you... because listen, if you don't manage your life, someone else will... and i'll tell you a secret, that won't work for you, because in the end you will end up hating it and being bitter toward that person, and honestly no one wants to babysit you in this life. So go on my friend. Write down some goals... put down some objectives and then print these ideas out, write them down on your bathroom mirror or hang them up somewhere where you can see them. Remember that with your goals you want to make them Obvious... Easy to go and do... and Pleasing. If you write goals that are miserable... guess what, you won't want to do them. By the way, if you falter with your goals... good glory!, go again... no need for self-punishment, just re-aim and go again my friend.

I'm incredibly proud of you... your efforts... when you try... even when you fail... but listen you got to go again... that's the deal! Decide today that failure is not that important, it's going again, and learning that truly matters in this world. Now go out there and let your efforts, your kindness, your goodness, shine like a lighthouse to your friends, family, and others around you. Don't worry about where you've been, what you've done, just begin today, or tomorrow... but really, begin now...i mean why not? Why not? Full send my friend, don't let the ghosts of your past deter you from moving forward. Life is about change, growth... it's inevitable, so get out of your own way and go. Shine on people!


Reflect, Write, Quiz

Use the prompts and text box below to capture your thoughts about "Can you help me set some goals?"

Remember, it's okay if we don't have all the answers. The purpose of this activity is to explore different perspectives. It's about developing resilience and emotional strength, and understanding that we can grow and evolve from every experience, good or bad.

1. What new thing did you learn?

2. What's a goal you've always wanted to achieve but haven't started yet, and what's one step you can take today to move towards it?

3. Based on your reflection, what are your next steps?


1. What is a first step in setting effective goals?

2. What type of goals should you consider when planning for the future?

3. Which category is NOT suggested for goal-setting in the video?

4. What is an example of a specific goal mentioned for physical fitness?

5. Why is it important to make your goals specific?

6. What is the key point of Maryanne Williamson's quote?

7. Why is it important to set fun and wise goals, according to the video/article?

8. Which of these is an example of a good physical goal?

9. What type of goal is attending a Twenty One Pilots concert?

10. What should you do if you fail to reach your goals?

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iuri melo

Iuri Melo

Cofounder at SchoolPulse