How can I slay all day?

Steps to complete this activity:

How can I slay all day?

  1. Watch the video or read the article
  2. Reflect & write
  3. Complete the quiz


Want three tips on how to 'slay all day'? We dive into the importance of self-confidence, seeing opportunities in every situation, and uplifting others for personal growth and happiness. Time to slay!😁


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How can I slay all day?

Now this is what I’m talking about.  One of you texted the most brilliant question… “How do I slay all day?”  Well… I hope you’re ready to get hyped, and to get a quick dose of motivation and truth, because honestly the truth is motivating… truly understanding who you are, the incredible potential that rests in you… sometimes dormant, but always there… I mean, your incredible body and brain, and what an incredible instrument those are to you… and more, how you can sharpen that mind and body to learn and to do just about anything that you wish in this life.

My friend listen, I’m going to give you 3 simple tips that if you remember, that if you just adopt into your life, they will transform it, and more importantly transform you… because it all begins with you, it all begins with your mindset, with your perspective, with your psychology… and then when you mix that with a little bit of muscle, effort, and endurance… bruh, miracles happen… extraordinary things happen, and that’s what you are here for… you are here to bring it!  You are here to grow, expand, and to contribute in extraordinary ways to people and to wherever you are.

You really are here to slay… it doesn’t have to happen everyday, but I want you to raise your sights a little, and begin to believe that you are no accident, but someone who is a critical element of wherever you find yourself.  My friend you are part of great cause, perhaps the most important cause in this world… to raise humanity… and this includes you.

Life is less about accepting yourself as you are, and instead it’s about realizing that you must… and I mean you must grow and evolve, because that is the purpose of life… and when you are growing, when you are investing, when you are learning, when you are stretching and building, that’s the spot you want to be at… that’s when you will be at your most dynamic point… that’s where muscles grow.. That’s where your fitness and power is improved, and I don’t just mean your six pack, or your biceps, I mean your mental and emotional stamina.

Listen, life is going to come for you… tragedy is coming… pain is coming… heartache is coming… defeat will come… but you don’t need to fear it because you know the truth… and I mean truth with a capital ‘T’ Truth, the realization that the burdens that will be placed on your back in this life, will shape that back, and strengthen it, and will increase your intelligence, and give you the kind of experience to see more of life, and as a result you will be a person of power, of influence, and with increase ability to to be a force for good wherever you set your feet.

Do you realize that the moment you walk into any situation… you change that situation.  The moment you walk into your home, a conversation, a classroom, you impact the feeling in that place… the most important question you’ll have to face here is… what will you bring… are you going to bring fear, contention, insecurity, disrespect, rudeness, or instead bring confidence, humility, kindness, and a willingness to learn and raise others…

My friend listen… do you realize that the moment you become a giver in your life… you’ll never be alone… you’ll never walk alone… so be a giver, and not a taker.

Don’t be a taker in your home.  Don’t be a taker in your relationships.  Don’t be a taker in school, or at work, or in your teams or clubs… Be a giver… here’s a quick secret for you… go into situations to give, and you’ll receive more.

That is the truth… not only will you get more, but your relationships will flourish… don’t be a winer, don’t be a complainer, don’t spread gossip and unkind things about others… there is enough pain and suffering in this world… make a commitment right now to not add to that… instead be a physician, a healer, a harbor… when people come to you… make a goal to help them to leave better…simply because they were with you.  Btw, This advice is not for someone else… it’s for you… no excuses… the truth takes no prisoners.

So begin here.  If you want to slay all day begin with this simple truth embedded inside your mind.  

Tip #1 Go into life with confidence.  Quit hiding.  The definition of confidence in 3 words is “I’ve got this”.  My friend you got it.  Don’t convince yourself of anything else.  Whatever comes, you’ll find a way.  You may not resolve it right then & there… you may not be able to run that marathon right now, or sing that song, or paint that picture, or win that game, but listen, confidence is not perfection, it’s the ability to know that with time and effort you can… you may need a little help, and that’s part of the “i got it” it’s the realization that the world stands ready to give you the tools to help you do it… stay humble, trust the process and move forward knowing that most of the limits that you’ve got floating around in that brain of yours are self-imposed… time to clean house, and go into life confidently.

Tip #2 is Fall UP.  You and I are going to break the rules of gravity friend.  I guarantee that you will slay all day, because you will never know full defeat… because you’re going to learn to fall up.  From this day onward, every success, every failure, every missed shot, every attempt simply becomes part of how you will excel and grow in this life.  Falling Up simply means that beginning today, you will begin to see the opportunities in every circumstance.  Every break up, every rejection, within every success and challenge are the seeds of wisdom… and my friend, you desperately want that wisdom, your happiness and success depend upon it.  

Tip #3, and this one may surprise you, but the last tip is help others around you slay!  It’s one of the great secrets of life… as you raise others, you too are raised.  My friend there is a connection we all share… it’s just how it is, and if you just accept that right now, you’ll realize that as you compliment, help, raise, and treat others with enthusiasm, and understanding, you’ll find yourself being a little gentler and softer with yourself, and in addition, you’ll find yourself traveling toward the great summits that this life has in store for you, with an army of people who not only care for you, but that will help you to climb better, higher, and farther.  Don't get jealous, don’t get petty, drop your comparisons, and instead celebrate others successes, their victories, and get to work… you don’t always have to come in second, or tenth, or last… you can win as well, and you will, at least in the most important ways if you follow these 3 simple rules, and slay all day.  Now take a deep breath… straighten up your spine… roll your shoulders back a bit… lift up your chin… smile with your mouth and your eyes… and slay all day baby!  Stay humble my friends!


Reflect, Write, Quiz

Use the prompts and text box below to capture your thoughts about "How can I slay all day?"

Remember, it's okay if we don't have all the answers. The purpose of this activity is to explore different perspectives. It's about developing resilience and emotional strength, and understanding that we can grow and evolve from every experience, good or bad.

1. What new thing did you learn?

2. Considering the three tips given in the article, which one resonates with you the most and why? How do you plan to implement it in your life?

3. Based on your reflection, what are your next steps?


1. What is the key to slaying all day, according to the Video?

2. What’s the definition of confidence in three words?

3. What does "falling up" mean?

4. Why should you be a giver, not a taker?

5. What should you bring when you walk into any situation?

6. What happens when you stop hiding and go into life with confidence?

7. How can you ‘slay all day’ even when life gets tough?

8. What will help you “slay” while also raising others up?

9. How can you “clean house” in your mind to boost confidence?

10. What’s the ultimate mindset for slaying all day?

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iuri melo

Iuri Melo

Cofounder at SchoolPulse