How do I become a better student?

Steps to complete this activity:

How do I become a better student?

  1. Watch the video or read the article
  2. Reflect & write
  3. Complete the quiz


Hey my awesome friends, I hope you're doing well, smiling, and taking brave steps to learn and grow. Whether you're at the start or end of a semester, the question of how to become a better student is super important. It's essential to clean out old ideas that you're either smart or dumb, and that talent is innate. Instead, adopt the mindset that your brain and body can learn anything with consistent effort. Remember, experience + time + effort = success. To get you started, here are some tips: sit in the front rows, study with knowledgeable friends, ask for help, get a tutor, befriend your teachers, take practice tests, and improve your self-discipline by eliminating distractions. You've got this! Stay humble, keep improvising, and move upward. Talk to you soon!


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How do I become a better student?

My friends, i hope this finds you good, smiling, and bravely taking steps to learn and grow, regardless of where you are.  Whether your semester is ending or beginning, whether your quarter is finishing or starting, this is such a life essentials question, in part because the very purpose of your existence is to grow, to expand, and to evolve in all sorts of incredible ways.  So being a student is who you are born to be... your brain and body is engineered to do this, so today i'm going to help you to take this incredible instrument that is your brain and body, and we are going to teach it a few skills that will help you to become a better student, and find success more often in your school efforts.  You ready?  Cool, now you know i'm going to drop some tips your way, and as usual, there are a couple of things that you need to know before you become successful... these ideas, this psychology will help to prepare you to use the skills that i'll give you in just a moment.  So first things first... we got to clean house, so let's take out the trash.  Here's what you need to throw out.

Idea #1:  I want you to throw out the idea that you are either smart or dumb.  Just throw it out.  You don't need it.  So if you've ever heard yourself say "I'm just not smart, or I'm dumb, or I'm just not good at math, or bio, or even the opposite, I'm just smart, I don't need to study" just get this ideas out of your mind, and in a second, i'll give you a better idea that you can use to replace this old idea with.  But starting now... stop selling this concept to yourself, there's a better concept, and honestly you would be a fool to not take it.

Idea #2: I want you to throw out the natural innate talent idea.  This idea basically says that we are either good or bad at something.  That some people just have a talent or a gift, weather it's with Math, biology, sports, music, art, relationships, socially, etc, just put it to the side and instead of these two incomplete, and not very helpful ideas, I want you to adopt a simple mentality... are you ready... I hope you're secretly doing a little drumroll inside your mind... here's the idea.  My brain and body can learn to do anything I consistently tell it to do.  Let me say it again... in fact just say it with me, and see how your brain feels about saying this statement.  My brain and body will learn to do anything I consistently tell it to do.  This statement is absolutely true.  From drawing, to writing, playing the guitar, to rock climbing, to yoga, to meditation, to becoming a social genius, to doing math, to studying, to taking tests, to running 100 mile races, to boxing, to managing your thoughts and emotions better, to becoming more self-disciplined... your body and brain can learn to do all of these things, and all you have to do is use a simple formula... wait a second... there's a formula for this... yes, 100 times yes... oh i this is like math and I hate math.. Settle down my friend, not x's and y's on this formula, but you  can apply this formula to anything you wish to learn and become better at, so here is the formula:

Experience + Time + Effort = Success.

I coach people rock climbing all the time, and when people come, climbing just quickly destroys them, and of course... even though I'm an old man of 47, I climb like a living legend... just kidding, but people are always like, wow, how do you climb like that, and my answer is always the same... there's nothing that i have, that you don't have as far as ability or talent is concerned, I simply make sure that I put in the time to climb, and I put forth some effort to become a little better, and the outcome is growth and success... it will never fail... so just create the experience, give yourself a little time (and some patience is good as well), adding a little sprinkle of Effort (actually a lot of sprinkle depending on what you want to achieve), and you'll get better outcomes.

Ok, did I make myself clear?

Crystal, i hope.  Btw... if this sounds familiar to you, you've probably heard it in elementary, junior high, middle school or high school, this is basically called, having a growth mindset, instead of having a rigid mindset which basically states "this is who I am, and who I am not, and it's not going to get any better... I'm stunted and limited, and there's nothing I can do... I hope you can hear how ridiculous and untrue that kind of thinking sounds... so let it go, and never be swayed or tricked by it again.


Ok, now to 7 basic skills that will help you to become a better student, and let's start with the simpler ones, btw, these may impact your coolness factor, but hey, no rain no flowers right?  A little sacrifice is essential:

  1. Sit in the front two rows in your class.  This is by far the easiest and quickest change you can make.  Move to the front, if you have assigned seats, talk to your teach and let them know that you just want to listen a little better, and follow closer, and my guess is that they would be like "what ... aaahhhhh... they would move you there, and probably give you a medal at the same time"
  2. Find people who know more and do a little better at this topic, and study with them.  Once again, lay your ego on the table... your ego is the enemy here... let it go, and study with people.  Their commitment coupled with yours will help you to stay on task and do a little better
  3. Ask for help for heaven's sake.  Once again, I'm freeing you from your ego right now... let go of any arrogance, fear... fear is the mind killer my friends, let it go, and ask questions, ask for help, instead of sitting quietly, falling behind, and then promptly hating your life, hating your class, and hating your teachers... cause sometimes we get that way when we are failing don't we, we turn on everyone.
  4. Get a coach or a study period.  A coach is synonymous with a tutor... oh my gosh iuri, a tutor is social suicide... come on now... let's leave the dramatics for the stage people.  When you want to do something better, or learn it in more detail... we may need a coach, someone who can work through those challenges with us.  It's no different with a musical instrument, or a sport... a coach will simply help you to work through that equation right?  experience+time(repetition)+effort = more success.
  5. Make friends with your teacher.  "Say what?  Iuri has lost his mind"  Maybe, but it's totally true, being friendly with your teachers will motivate you to succeed, and honestly, it will motivate them to give you a break and to help you. 
  6. Take as many practice tests as you can.  Whether you're taking the ACTS or SATs or any other tests, if you have the opportunity to take practice exams, take them.  Studies have shown that students who do this, are significantly more successful than others.  So ask your teacher, because by now you two are besties, and they love you, and will gladly give you something to practice
  7. Improve your Self-discipline when you are studying by reminding yourself that you don't need to be anywhere else (the quickest way to destroy the present moment, is to wish you were somewhere else), and eliminate as many distractions as possible by putting your notifications on silent, and then get to work understanding and if needed memorizing.  

My friend it's possible.  There are some other cool links and lots of skills that you can utlize to improve your grades and to have more success as a student, but these will get you started, and more importantly, they will hopefully shift your mindset and attitude about learning, which will immediately impact your ability to learn.  Now get out there, stay humble, improvise when it's not working, and move upward.  Talk to you soon.


Reflect, Write, Quiz

Use the prompts and text box below to capture your thoughts about "How do I become a better student?"

Remember, it's okay if we don't have all the answers. The purpose of this activity is to explore different perspectives. It's about developing resilience and emotional strength, and understanding that we can grow and evolve from every experience, good or bad.

1. What are the two ideas that were suggested to be thrown out and why do you think they can negatively impact your growth as a student?

2. What does the formula Experience + Time + Effort = Success mean to you and how can you apply it in your daily life as a student?

3. Which of the 7 basic skills presented to become a better student resonated with you the most and why?


1. What is the formula that the article suggests for success?

2. What mindset does the article suggest we adopt?

3. What is the article's view on natural innate talent?

4. What is the article's opinion on asking for help?

5. What does the article suggest you do with your class seating arrangement?

6. Who does the article suggest you study with?

7. What is the article's view on self-discipline while studying?

8. What is the article's view on taking practice tests?

9. What does the article say about getting a tutor?

10. What does the article say about being friends with your teacher?

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iuri melo

Iuri Melo

Cofounder at SchoolPulse