What is the Success Sequence?

Steps to complete this activity:

What is the Success Sequence?

  1. Watch the video or read the article
  2. Reflect & write
  3. Complete the quiz


Discover the Success Sequence, a research-backed approach that shows how completing education, working full-time, and having children after marriage can significantly reduce poverty and increase financial stability. Learn how your choices and actions can shape your future, regardless of your current circumstances. Embrace the drive for self-improvement and take steps towards a more successful and fulfilling life.


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What is the Success Sequence?

My awesome friend, you're stellar for being here… really, your open mind and open heart… your willingness to engage your focus and learn about how to find some success and happiness in this life, I guarantee, will yield some better outcomes for you. Listen, "we are what we eat my friend," and I'm not just talking about food. The ideas, psychology, and perspectives that you feed that beautiful mind of yours, are going to shape how you see yourself, the world around you, and the actions that you take. My hope is that whenever you see our videos or listen to our podcasts, that you will always leave feeling hopeful and excited about the future that lies ahead of you. Look, I don't know what your future goals and objectives are. I have no idea where you've come from and what you've experienced in your life. I have no idea about how confident you are about your future, but I 100% know that you want to find happiness, fun, success, and have great relationships in your life. I know that you want to create some stability in your future. I know that you want to be independent and self-sufficient, and have the freedom to pursue the things you love! My simple goal for you is to provide you with every advantage… with the kind of understanding and psychology, that will most likely lead you to the best possible outcomes. Man, I'm rooting and cheering you on, and I want you to know in the most lively way that I can, that your hopes and dreams are not far fetched, and perhaps more importantly, that the actions you take now… right now, can and will have a significant impact on your future. This, by the way, is where the Success Sequence comes in. So what exactly is it?

Well, the Success Sequence is research that shows that American adults who follow these three simple rules,

  1. They complete their education or graduate,
  2. They work full-time,
  3. They have children after they are married

Only about 2% of those individuals end up in poverty, and nearly 75% of those people have joined the middle class or make at least 55,000 per year or more. Now, let's be reasonable here, life is full of variables, meaning, that there are lots of things that are influencing your present, and lots of circumstances that will ultimately impact your future, but what this data is suggesting… and once again, I am here to present you with every possible advantage that is going to forward and improve your chances to succeed in the future, what the data is convincingly showing, is that when you complete any of these steps in the sequence, in that order, that your chances to avoid poverty, and increase your security and financial future, are dramatically improved.

Look, I am not here to tell you how to live your life! That is your gig, that's your job! You are the captain of your soul, and your choices and actions will most absolutely direct the course of your life, all that I'm here to do, is to make a short presentation to you that I hope will influence your mindset. Remember that "it's your decisions, not your conditions that will ultimately determine your destiny," in order words, it's your choices my friend, not your current circumstances that will determine what your future will look like.

By the way, the data also shows that when individuals struggle to complete these steps, that they become significantly more prone to experiencing poverty in their future. Now I'm absolutely certain that you know of people who perhaps have not completed these steps, in that order, and they're doing fine, perhaps even better than fine… man, awesome for them, I am a fan and loyal friend to humanity, I know plenty of those people. Look, I'm not presenting this to you so that you'll have some new way of judging other people in some negative or superior way… please let's grow up and out of that phase… I'm just here to present you with some steps that if you choose to take… if you set a mental plan, and then look to execute that plan, the data says that you'll be significantly more financially successful, and avoid that hardship that is poverty. Now there are so many other things that you can do to experience other levels of success, happiness, and financial freedom. For example, there is overwhelming evidence that a college degree or technical degree or certificate will significantly improve the amount of money you make, in addition to increasing your attractiveness to employers. And trust me, it's not all about money. People who pursue additional education are happier in their work, and often have access to additional benefits such as insurance, paid time off, among other things.

I feel like I'm beginning to sound a little preachy, so let me backup a little, and bring it back to you… and my friend it actually is all about you, that's where the power is. I know your future is uncertain. There's no crystal ball that will tell you what your future will look like, all I'm suggesting is for you to consider what I'm bringing to your doorstep. Perhaps you're not feeling particularly confident about your future, or your chances… man that's how I felt. What I'm offering you are some rules… some mile markers… some road signs that if you follow, will significantly impact your financial trajectory.

Can I briefly say one more thing. If this information reaches your ears, and you're finding yourself on the opposite side of those road markers. If the circumstances in your life don't seem to add up or match these suggestions… brother, sister, don't look down or shrink. These words are for you. The past is the past, like old Rafiki says in the Lion King, "Oh yes, the past can hurt. But from the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it." Wow, that was just about the worst accent I've heard, I'll be sure to not do that again… but look, the main idea is that we don't need to live in our past, instead what I'm hoping you'll do, is pack your bags, move to the present, and here, I hope you will find some courage in these words, and begin today, right now, to take steps to add some of these markers to your life, and watch the doors of opportunity, confidence, and security begin to open for you. We repair, we fix, we improve… that's what we do, that's what you do. You have a drive inside of you… energy that is even now, propelling forward, seeking to grow, expand, and improve. We can't stop this. Abraham Maslow, and old Psychology Dude, called it the drive to self-actualize. Others have called it the drive for self-realization, or the quest for fulfillment, or the evolution of the species, or on a more spiritual note, enlightenment or taking on the divine nature. Whatever you call it, it's time for you to awaken that dormant volcano, and begin to flow forward. The speed is less important than the direction. Line upon line. Here a little, there a little. Slow by slow. Full send my friends, full send!


Reflect, Write, Quiz

Use the prompts and text box below to capture your thoughts about "What is the Success Sequence?"

Remember, it's okay if we don't have all the answers. The purpose of this activity is to explore different perspectives. It's about developing resilience and emotional strength, and understanding that we can grow and evolve from every experience, good or bad.

1. What new thing did you learn?

2. Reflect on your own goals and aspirations for the future. How do these align with the Success Sequence outlined in the article? Are there any adjustments you would like to make based on this information?

3. Based on your reflection, what are your next steps?


1. What are the three simple rules of the Success Sequence?

2. According to the article, what percentage of individuals following the Success Sequence end up in poverty?

3. What does the author emphasize as the determining factor of one's destiny?

4. What additional advantage does pursuing higher education offer, according to the article?

5. How does the author suggest individuals approach their past?

6. Who coined the term "the drive to self-actualize"?

7. What is another term used to describe the drive for self-realization?

8. What analogy does the author use to describe the drive for personal growth?

9. According to the article, what should individuals focus on in their journey towards self-actualization?

10. What message does the author convey about personal growth and improvement?

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iuri melo

Iuri Melo

Cofounder at SchoolPulse