3 Tips for an awesome year!

Steps to complete this activity:

3 Tips for an awesome year!

  1. Watch the video or read the article
  2. Reflect & write
  3. Complete the quiz


Hey there! Time flies, and I'm so impressed you're here investing in yourself. This year, I want to encourage you to aim big, and grab hold of every advantage. So here are three tips: First, get involved in activities and step out of your comfort zone – life's not coming to you, you have to go get it! Second, invest in your relationships – be kind, drop the gossip, and build genuine connections. Finally, be flexible and keep trying – trust the process, adapt, and remember that failure isn't the end. Thanks for listening, and I hope you have an extraordinary year! Keep coming back for more motivation, and let's work this life together.


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3 Tips for an awesome year!

Are you kidding me, another year is here, and to be honest, it doesn't matter when you are listening to this, because time flies my friend, sometimes like a dream. Can I just say how impressed I am that you are even here... that you have opted in. Listen... thank you... honestly, I don't think teens are told thank you enough. The things you do... the efforts you make... the good inside of you... the energy that you bring to this world... I am blown away all the time. Thank you for being a part of SchoolPulse. Thank you for investing in your happiness... in your wisdom and intelligence... in your perspective. I said it a couple of texts ago, and it is absolutely true. Your psychology is everything my friend. The way you see and perceive yourself, others and the world around you is of critical importance. The lens through which you see the world, will in a big way, impact the quality of your life... and honestly, if you want to have an extraordinary life... and my friend... you want to have an extraordinary life... then you must possess an extraordinary psychology.

So here you are. School has started or will soon start for you, and I want you to have an incredible year... a memorable year for sure... I mean... I just want this year to be awesome for you. Now there is much that is out of your control (Hello... COVID) yeah... there is much that we do not control in this life, but there is much that we can impact, and there is a lot that you can invest your time, your energy into... and that's where I want to live, and give you 3 Tips that will help you to have a stellar year... Let's Go!

Tip #1 - Get in the Mix: Listen, sometimes in our lives we will be on the sidelines... watching our life pass us by, or other people do things, and we will feel like duds, and left behind, but my friend, now is not that time. This year I'm hoping that you wil get in the mix, and get involved. I want you to raise your sights, and step out of that comfort zone that keeps us stale and not growing, and take a step toward the activities, clubs, choir, sports, arts, events, drama, music, and opportunities that are available in your school in your community, and in your church... whatever you're part of. By the way, this also includes you making a commitment to going to school events, or dances, and other activities that are going to keep your life fresh and dynamic like a river, instead of stale and motionless like a puddle. I know you've got your ready made list of excuses "but iuri, i'm too short, or... i'm not good at sports... or I just get nervous around people... or i've never tried anything like that... or whatever! Yo, life is not coming for you my friend, you have to go and get it... you have to go claim it. Listen, I beg you, trust me.... Do things now that your future self will thank you for... do things that help you to create friendships, that create an opportunity to grow and achieve... do the kinds of things that stretch your mind, your spirit and your body.... So get in the mix. Pick one, two, or however many, and try... just try and get involved, and my friend, I promise you, you will reap the benefits of a wonderful life, and wonderful habits, talents, and skills that will bring you joy hundreds and hundreds of times over.

Alright, Tip #2 - Invest, invest, invest and nurture your relationships... dudes and dudetes... I don't care who you are, but the relationships in your life, have a dramatic impact on how you feel and do. So this year, step up your game at home, with your friends, with those you don't know, and with the other adults in your life. We are talking basic skills. Drop the gossip... one of my personal rules is "Talk to people... not about people." Be kinder to people... don't inflict pain and suffering on others... there is already enough pain in this world, be a giver, not a taker... be a creator, not a destroyer. Be grateful... man i'm talking about the basics, right? Use please and thank you's, i'm telling you, those truly are magic words, and you will honestly get more of what you want, by learning to be socially wise, instead of going around fronting, and puffed up, peacocking your stuff around. If you're looking to build some friendships, now is the time my friend... apply rule #1 and put yourself in the right places, doing the right things, around the right people, and friendships will naturally flourish. Be patient, be complimentary, be a good listener, and those friendships will happen.

Wow, ok, 2 down, one more... Tip #3 - Be flexible and go again & again! Now, what am I talking about... well i'm about to teach you two phrases... two quotes that I want you to memorize and stick somewhere inside that amazing brain of yours. Quote # 1 "Trust the process" and Quote #2 "Failure is not fatal, success is not final." Ok, let me break this down to you. One of the most critical things you learn to do in this life, is to be dynamic and flexible and I'll tell you why. If there is one thing in this life that is certain... it is uncertainty and change... and my friend, your ability to adapt, work a problem, and make adjustments will be the difference between you constantly feeling stuck, feeling like life is unfair, and feeling emotionally overwhelmed and hopeless, and feeling confident, creative, hopeful, and knowing that no matter what happens... you've got it my friend... and if you don't have it, you can ask for help and learn a bit more, and then you'll get it. Flexibility isn't just for yoga or stretchy pants... your mind has to be flexible... you have to learn how to shift gears... you have to drop your pride and recognize that you don't know squat... i don't know squat... and when you realize that, your heart will open, and the world will become a source of wisdom, instead of something that is constantly against you. So try, and if you fail... adjust, learn, and try again... and repeat this pattern pretty much for the rest of your life.

Anyways, thank you for listening, and taking a small moment of your day to expand that mind of yours. I sincerely hope you have an extraordinary year. Come back to this podcast when you need a little shot of truth and motivation, and of course, chat with us, and let's work this life. Chat with you soon.


Reflect, Write, Quiz

Use the prompts and text box below to capture your thoughts about "3 Tips for an awesome year!"

Remember, it's okay if we don't have all the answers. The purpose of this activity is to explore different perspectives. It's about developing resilience and emotional strength, and understanding that we can grow and evolve from every experience, good or bad.

1. What new thing did you learn?

2. How do you currently perceive your level of involvement in school and community activities? Where would you be willing to be courageous, and get more involved?

3. Based on your reflection, what are your next steps?


1. What is the first tip for having an awesome year?

2. According to the text, why is it important to get involved in various activities?

3. What is the second tip for an awesome year?

4. According to the text, what is one personal rule mentioned for maintaining relationships?

5. What is the third tip for having an awesome year?

6. What phrase is recommended to memorize in order to trust the process?

7. What is emphasized as the key to adapting to uncertainty and change?

8. What is the suggested response to failure according to the text?

9. What is encouraged in terms of seeking help?

10. What is the overall message of the text?

Your Information

iuri melo

Iuri Melo

Cofounder at SchoolPulse