How can I be the right person?

Steps to complete this activity:

How can I be the right person?

  1. Watch the video or read the article
  2. Reflect & write
  3. Complete the quiz


Let's talk relationships. I've chatted with many of you across the U.S., and there's a lot of buzz about how to be the right person in a relationship. Instead of focusing on finding the right person, let's discuss three tips on how to be the right person.


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How can I be the right person?

Hello my awesome and impeccable friends, this week just happens to be the week of Valentines day, and so... we are going to talk a little about relationships. I've now been chatting with thousands of you throughout the United States, and there's quite a bit of chatter about relationships, and how to know if someone likes you, or how to start a relationship, or how to get someone to notice you, or even how to find the right person... but today, I'm going to spend a few minutes helping you, not, how to find the right person, but how to be the right person, and that my friend is by far the best way for you to find the right person.

It's always important for us to focus our attention and efforts where we have power and where we can impact change... and that is with us, it's with you my friend. So how do you become the right person? I'm going to give you 3 tips to help you do this.

Tip #1 - Leave people better than when you found them. Think of it this way. When you meet people you have 3 options. Option a-Leave people worse off. Insult them, demean them, control them, bully them, make fun of them, be rude to them... you get the point. Option b - Ignore them, just leave them as they are. Let people pass you by, don't engage them, don't be a part of their life... don't enhance their life... don't demean it... just pass them over (I think we could actually argue and say that this diminishes people and us as well, but for the sake of the example, we can ignore people, and leave them as they were. And Option c - We can leave people better than they were. My dear friend, hear me our with both of your lovely ears... in this life, we must contribute to the world around us, we must contribute and enhance the world and others around us... that is your purpose, at least one of your purposes, and your happiness and joy in this life depends upon your ability to do this... we must, pure and simple. So... how do you leave someone better off?

Think for a quick moment. How do you leave your mother, father, siblings, friends, strangers, teachers, better than how you found them? You build them... you recognize them, you compliment them, you treat them with respect and kindness, you share a bit your life with them, you accept people, you welcome people into your circle, you stop the negative gossip, and begin the positive gossip... only speak positive things about others. So my remarkable and courageous friend... drop your ridiculous fear that keeps you from being awesome and straight up good to people, and make the commitment that when people cross your path, they're going to leave better because your smile, your high fives, your hugs, your compliments, your loyalty will raise them up... what do you think? Wanna have a better day right now!! Then do exactly this and never stop. Btw, This option will make you incredibly attractive as a person. The way you are with other people is a huge consideration for how you will be in relationships. Time to step up your game my friend.

Tip #2 - Invest in yourself and in your life. Nothing makes a person more beautiful and attractive than to see them engage in life, in building their talents, in taking care of their business. I know what you're thinking... but do they have a six pack? Hahah, my friend, don't let me be the bearer of bad news, but six packs go away, and so do biceps and other things, but someone's internal beauty, someone's psychology, someone's goodness, does not. So quit being stubborn, and literally self-sabotaging your life, and instead start investing deeply in your education, your intellect, your physical self, your spiritual self, your talents, your gifts, your social and relationship skills, your future... and sure, if you want to build your physique, go for it, but put first things first, you got me? Now go and invest and invest and invest. Your input my friends... what you put into your mind, your body, your spirit is critical... we cannot deny that. Knowing what we know about brains... those lovely biological organs floating inside your craniums keep everything... so you better pay attention to what you are putting in there.

Tip #3 - I want you to make a commitment to me and to yourself right now, to seek for the positive in this life. Seek it in yourself, seek it in others, and seek it in circumstances. Make a mental covenant right now, and the reason why this matters so very much is this... my friend what you look for in this life, you will find. Do you hear me. What you seek for is seeking you. What you consistently look for, will consistently appear in your life. Of course there are challenging things. Of course people can be cruel. Of course there is pain. Of course people can lie and betray, but from this forward, you will live by the philosophy of the stoics... that throughout history took the circumstances of life, that took the obstacles, and turned them into growth and wisdom. They viewed every obstacle as the way. Every challenge as a way to gather perspective, compassion, understanding, and they moved forward and upward. Listen, these people were not gods, they were like you and I, and if they did, we can, and in fact you must devote your life to this simple ideal. I will grow through, whatever I go through... see what I did right there... a little fun play on words, but a powerful concept. You must grow through, what you go through.

My friend, shift your focus away from the paranoia of whether others will like you, or value you, or accept you, and instead give all of your focus and attention to being valuable and being the right one. The one who leaves others better than they were. The one who invests in themselves greatly, and engages in this life. And the one who seeks for the positive and the lovely, and the beautiful in this life, because what you seek for, you will find my friend. I love and respect each of you grateful, and am cheering for you everyday.


Reflect, Write, Quiz

Use the prompts and text box below to capture your thoughts about "How can I be the right person?"

Remember, it's okay if we don't have all the answers. The purpose of this activity is to explore different perspectives. It's about developing resilience and emotional strength, and understanding that we can grow and evolve from every experience, good or bad.

1. What new thing did you learn?

2. Reflect on your interactions with people around you. Think about three individuals you interacted with in the past week - they could be friends, family members, or teachers. For each person, write down one thing you did or said that made them feel better or uplifted their spirits. If you can't think of any, write down one thing you could do or say today to make them feel better. Remember, we need to contribute and enhance the world and others around us.

3. Based on your reflection, what are your next steps?


1. What is one of the best ways to become the right person in a relationship?

2. When interacting with people, which of these is the worst option?

3. Which action is an example of leaving someone better than when you found them?

4. Why is investing in yourself one of the most important steps in becoming the right person?

5. What should you prioritize when investing in yourself?

6. What is a key benefit of seeking the positive in life?

7. Which philosophy encourages you to view obstacles as opportunities for growth?

8. What happens when you focus on the positive and lovely things in life?

9. How does your behavior towards others affect your attractiveness in relationships?

10. What should you focus on to have a better day, right now?

Complete the Quiz

1. According to the article, what is the best way to find the right person?

2. What are the three tips given in the article for becoming the right person?

3. According to the article, what happens when you consistently look for the positive?

4. What are the three options given for how to leave people when you meet them?

5. According to the article, what makes a person most attractive?

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iuri melo

Iuri Melo

Cofounder at SchoolPulse