How do I improve my mental health?

Steps to complete this activity:

How do I improve my mental health?

  1. Watch the video or read the article
  2. Reflect & write
  3. Complete the quiz


Discover the three crucial steps to bolster your mental health. Embrace a beginner's mindset, foster optimism, and maintain flexibility to improve your mental health and resilience.


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How do I improve my mental health?

My incredible friend, good day to you wherever you find yourself.  Now, I’m recording this episode on World Mental health day… and I’ll be super honest, I’m not even sure I realized that there was a world mental health day, until someone way smarter than I am, and who pays attention to such things told me about it. So what kind of an individual and therapist would i be if i didn’t give you 3 extraordinary tips that will for sure… undoubtedly help you to improve your mental health, your mental wellness?  Btw, what is your mental health?  I guess it’s the opposite of mental illness or mental unwellness, but in my mind, someone who has an extraordinary mindset, and that’s what we are aiming for btw, I want that beautiful brain and mind of yours to run clean, tuned up, sharp, aware, flexible, and ready to take on the world, and I’m going to show you how.  So for me a powerful mind possesses or is working to nurture and build these 3 qualities:  1)A beginner’s mindset (curious, flexible, humble), 2)A powerful mind is Optimistic (hopeful, powerful, teachable), and 3) A healthy mind is Flexible. (michael scott)  

Now you know I’m all about your psychology, in part because i want you to go into life confidently, hungry, and ready to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life.  I want you to stretch your perspective, the way you see yourself, others, and the world around you in a positive and helpful way.  So let’s get to the first idea.  

1)A beginner's mindset.  My brilliant person, tackle this life in a humble, open, and teachable way.  In fact the very purpose of life is to seek, to knock, to experiment, and by and by, to find those values and principles that will dictate your life and the direction that you take.  There is a short story of a farmer who goes out to sow seeds in his field.  And as he is throwing these seeds into the ground, some of the seeds fall upon the path or road, some fall on stony ground, some fall among the weeds, and some fall upon soft ground.  Now the seeds that fall on the path or road are eaten up by the birds.  Those that fall upon the rocky ground, actually begin to grow, but the ground is so hard, that the sun kills those flowers.  Those that fall in the weeds, grow as well, but the weeds choke them out.  Now the seeds that fall on the soft ground grow, and give back fruit 100’s and 1000’s of times.  Now this short story isn’t about farming soil, it’s about the hardness in your heart… is your heart soft, willing, and ready to learn… are you teachable… are you humble enough to be taught in school, at home, in your teams, in your clubs, in your community, in your religious institutions, or wherever you find yourself?  My friend trust me… put aside the mask and the facade that you have to know everything, that you can do it all by yourself, and open your heart enough to ask for help… to seek… to become a scientist and learn.  So that’s tip #1 for a healthy mind, begin with a beginner’s mindset, not a rigid, I know everything, and everytime someone criticizes me, or give me feedback I get offended and irritated, because my heart is hard… let’s massage that lovely heart of yours and let’s soften it up a bit, and go into life with a beginner’s mindset.

2)A powerful mind is optimistic.  Listen, optimism isn’t wishful thinking… it’s not being naive… optimism is a skill, it’s a perspective… a true perspective btw, that allows you to view life from a lens that says “there is opportunity all around me… there is opportunity in the good, in the suffering, in my successes and in my faillures”  This optimism realizes that every obstacle ultimately becomes the way and the path that you must tread, and to do so in a beautiful and honorable way.  An optimistic mind steps into the ring… steps into the arena, in fact let me read this short quote to you… "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."  Do you hear the optimism here… do you see the radical positivity… my friend, step into the fray… take a risk, go into the arena with the optimistic mindset that no matter the outcome, you will be better, wiser, stronger, with greater understanding and depth, and more compassion for those around you.

3)Flexible & dynamic.  My brilliant friends, one of the greatest philosophers of all time Michael Scott from the office said “Adapt, React, Readapt, Apt”  Now of course this is jiberish from one of the funniest characters in all television, but something that i’ve now learned from the greatest warriors who have ever walked this planet, is the simple mantra ‘Adapt, Improvise, Overcome’.  Think of this more like a circle… where we adapt to our surroundings, improvise new solutions, and overcome (and when that doesn’t work) we go again.  I’ve been a climber for more than two decades, and have taught 1000’s of people how to become extraordinary climbers themselves, and my simple motto for them was, ‘see it, think it, climb it”, over and over again, knowing that when failure came, they could simply reset it, see where they are headed, think it or plan it, and get back on the rock and climb it.  My friend this is the mindset that I want you to tackle every circumstance in your life… all the way from your friendships, relationships, math, biology, or any other classes, job, family relationships… learn to act based on the very best values and principles you possess, improvise, be willing to try new things that may be useful, and overcome, meaning, continue on, never, ever stopping to do anything that is valuable and honorable.  


So my friend for this special day, which is really everyday, adopt, inscribe these three steps into your mind, into your brain, into your hard… write it out somewhere, these three steps to help you to have an extraordinary mental health, mental fortitude, and exceptional psychology that will help you to literally become invincible, in part because every circumstance becomes your curriculum, every event builds the muscles, mental and physical… Anyways, know that I’m always here cheering and pulling for you to stay humble, and to give fearlessly.  Have a great day.



Reflect, Write, Quiz

Use the prompts and text box below to capture your thoughts about "How do I improve my mental health?"

Remember, it's okay if we don't have all the answers. The purpose of this activity is to explore different perspectives. It's about developing resilience and emotional strength, and understanding that we can grow and evolve from every experience, good or bad.

1. 1. What new thing did you learn?

2. Can you identify one or two areas in your life that you can focus on, to improve your mental health?

3. 1. What steps can you begin to take right now, that will improve your wellbeing?


1. What is one of the most important qualities of a powerful mind, according to this Video?

2. What does having a beginner’s mindset mean?

3. Why is it important to soften your heart, according to the Video?

4. Which story was used to explain the idea of being teachable?

5. What does optimism really mean, according to the Video

6. Which famous quote was shared to highlight the power of optimism?

7. According to the Video, what mindset should you have when facing challenges?

8. What does the phrase -Adapt, Improvise, Overcome- mean in terms of mental health?

9. Which famous actor was jokingly referenced when discussing flexibility?

10. What are the three key qualities that will help you develop extraordinary mental health?

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iuri melo

Iuri Melo

Cofounder at SchoolPulse