Lesson Plans > How can I be the right person?

Happy Valentine's Day! Let's talk relationships. I've chatted with many of you across the U.S., and there's a lot of buzz about how to be the right person in a relationship. Instead of focusing on finding the right person, let's discuss three tips on how to be the right person. Tip #1 - Leave people better than you found them. Choose to uplift others by being kind, respectful, and positive. Your actions shape the world around you. Tip #2 - Invest in yourself and your life. Prioritize personal growth, education, and well-being. Your internal beauty and goodness last longer than physical attributes. Tip #3 - Commit to seeking the positive in life. What you focus on, you attract. Embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Adopt the philosophy of growing through what you go through. Shift your focus from seeking approval to being valuable. Be the one who uplifts, invests in self-improvement, and seeks the positive. I'm cheering for each of you!

15 Minute Lesson Plan

Sure, Iuri! Here's a 15-minute lesson plan based on your article "How can I be the right person?"

Title: How to Be the Right Person

Objective 1:
Understanding and Reflecting on the Podcast (5 minutes)
- Students will listen to the podcast linked here: [Schoolpulse Podcast](https://schoolpulse.org/videos/watch/180/)
- Students will take notes on key points, questions, and reflections they have while listening.

Objective 2:
Discussion and Understanding of Main Points (10 minutes)

- Group discussion on the three tips provided in the article:
1. Leaving people better than when you found them (3 minutes)
- Students will share examples of how they can implement this tip in their daily interactions.
2. Investing in oneself and one's life (3 minutes)
- Students will brainstorm ways they can invest in their education, physical health, mental health, and spiritual growth.
3. Seeking the positive in life (3 minutes)
- Students will discuss their understanding of the concept "you must grow through what you go through", and share personal experiences or thoughts on how they can apply this mindset.

- Final Reflection (1 minute)
- Students will write down one action they will take to become "the right person" based on the tips discussed.

Write a short reflection paper on how the podcast and the article's tips on being "the right person" can be applied in their personal lives and relationships.

- Access to the [Schoolpulse Podcast](https://schoolpulse.org/videos/watch/180/)
- The article "How can I be the right person?"
- Note-taking materials
- Device for listening to the podcast

- Participation in group discussions
- Reflection paper on the application of the podcast and article's tips in their personal lives.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you need anything else.

One Page Handout

Title: **"How to Be the Right Person" - Key Points**

1. **Leave People Better Than When You Found Them**
- Always strive to uplift and enhance the lives of people you interact with.
- Avoid negativity and promote positivity.
- Be kind, show respect, and compliment others. It will not only make them feel better but also increase your attractiveness as a person.

2. **Invest in Yourself and Your Life**
- Engage in activities that build your talents and take care of your physical, intellectual, and spiritual self.
- Prioritize long-term growth over short-lived physical attributes.
- Pay attention to what you put into your mind, body, and spirit. It's all important.

3. **Seek the Positive in Life**
- Seek positivity in yourself, others, and circumstances.
- Remember, what you look for in life, you will find.
- View every obstacle as a way to gather perspective, compassion, and understanding.
- Grow through whatever you go through.

4. **Be the Right Person**
- Shift your focus away from worrying about other's acceptance.
- Focus on being valuable and being the right one.
- Strive to leave everyone better than they were.
- Invest greatly in yourself and engage in life.
- Seek for the positive, lovely, and beautiful in life. What you seek, you will find.

Remember, your worth is not determined by others' perceptions, but by how you perceive and value yourself. Be the right person for yourself first, then the right people will naturally gravitate towards you.


1. According to the article, what is the best way to find the right person?

2. What are the three tips given in the article for becoming the right person?

3. According to the article, what happens when you consistently look for the positive?

4. What are the three options given for how to leave people when you meet them?

5. According to the article, what makes a person most attractive?

Quiz Answers

  1. Focus on being the right person yourself
  2. Be kind, invest in yourself, seek the positive
  3. More positive things will appear in your life
  4. Better, the same, worse
  5. Investing in themselves


Hey there, my awesome friends, let’s chat about something quite special today. You see, it's all about being the right person, not just finding them. We often get tangled up in figuring out if someone likes us, or how to be noticed, but what if we shift our focus a bit? Let's talk about how we can become the 'right person’. Here are three golden nuggets of advice to guide you on this journey.

First off, remember to always leave people better than when you found them. You can either put them down, ignore them, or lift them up. Let's aim for the latter, shall we? When you cross paths with someone, make sure they walk away feeling better for having met you. Give them your smile, your high five, your kind words. This will not only make their day brighter, but also make you incredibly attractive as a person.

Secondly, invest in yourself! Yes, you heard it right. Engage in life, build your talents, take care of your business. Physical beauty fades, but your internal beauty, your goodness and your intellect? Those stay. So, let's stop sabotaging our lives and start investing deeply in ourselves. Pay attention to what you feed your mind, body, and spirit, because it all matters.

Finally, let's make a pact right now to always seek the positive in life. Look for it in yourself, in others, and in every circumstance. Remember, what you seek is also seeking you. So, let's turn every obstacle into an opportunity for growth and wisdom.

So, my friend, let's shift our focus from worrying about whether others will like us, to becoming valuable ourselves. Be the one who uplifts others, who invests greatly in themselves, and who seeks the positive in life. Because, trust me, what you're looking for, you'll find. Keep in mind, I’m always here, cheering for you. Let's take on life, one day at a time, together.


Sure, I can summarize your fantastic article in the first person. Here it goes:

In my article, "How can I be the right person?", I shared some insights about shaping oneself into the right person instead of just looking for the right person. Here are the three important tips I discussed:

1. Always strive to leave people better than when you found them. This means respecting, accepting, and complimenting others, and contributing positively to the world around us. We should aim to uplift people with our positivity and kindness.

2. Invest in yourself and your life. This includes taking care of your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It's not just about physical attractiveness but more about inner beauty, personal growth, and development.

3. Always seek positivity in life, in yourself, and in others. Despite the challenges and pains we face, it's crucial to maintain a positive outlook and to grow through what we go through.

In short, instead of worrying about being liked or accepted by others, focus on becoming a better person. Be kind, invest in personal growth, and always seek positivity. Remember, what you seek is seeking you. I hope these tips will help you become the right person for yourself and others.

Additional Materials

Sure, here's the information you requested in HTML format: ```HTML

Dear Students,

I encourage you to read the insightful article written by Iuri Melo, a Licensed Therapist and co-founder of Schoolpulse. The article titled "How can I be the right person?" provides valuable advice on how to improve yourself and your interactions with others.

Please read it carefully and take notes on key points. You can also watch the accompanying video here.

To deepen your understanding, I've found a few articles related to the topic. They are:

  1. "5 Effective Skills for Teens' Healthy Relationships" - Psychology Today
  2. "Am I in a Healthy Relationship?" - KidsHealth
  3. "5 Ways for Teens to Improve Social Skills" - Verywell Family
  4. "Building Better Mental Health" - Youth Central

I hope these resources will help you better understand the importance of personal development and healthy relationships.

``` Please replace this text with the actual HTML text when you use it. The links in the text will take you directly to the articles.

Indiviual Activities

Absolutely, Iuri Melo. Here are three activities based on your article "How can I be the right person?". Each activity is designed to be completed individually and should take about 5-7 minutes.

Activity 1: "Leaving People Better Than We Found Them"
In this activity, I want you to reflect on your interactions with people around you. Think about three individuals you interacted with in the past week - they could be friends, family members, or teachers. For each person, write down one thing you did or said that made them feel better or uplifted their spirits. If you can't think of any, write down one thing you could do or say today to make them feel better. Remember, we need to contribute and enhance the world and others around us.

Activity 2: "Investing in Ourselves"
For this activity, I want you to create a personal development plan. Write down three areas in your life you want to improve or develop. It could be your education, your physical health, your spiritual growth, your talents, or your social and relationship skills. For each area, list one specific action you could take this week to invest in that area of your life. Remember, what you put into your mind, body, and spirit is critical.

Activity 3: "Seeking the Positive"
In this final activity, I want you to practice seeking for the positive in life. Take a blank sheet of paper and write down three challenges you're currently facing. For each challenge, write down one positive aspect or what you could learn from it. Remember, what you look for in this life, you will find. If we view every obstacle as a way to gather perspective, compassion, and understanding, we can grow through whatever we go through.

Group Activity

Absolutely, Iuri Melo. Here's an activity based on your article titled "How can I be the right person?" that is suitable for a group of students. It should take approximately 5-7 minutes.

Activity: "Becoming the Right Person: A Group Reflection"

1. First, I will divide the students into small groups of 3-4. Each group will be given a copy of Iuri Melo's article to reference during the activity.

2. Next, each group will be asked to discuss the three tips given in the article: leaving people better than when we found them, investing in ourselves and our lives, and seeking the positive in life.

3. Once each tip has been discussed, each group will be tasked with creating a 'personal improvement plan' for an imaginary person. This will include specific steps the person could take to embody each of the three tips in the article.

4. After the plan is created, each group will share their 'personal improvement plan' with the class, explaining how each step helps fulfill one of the tips provided in the article.

5. To wrap up the activity, I will ask the students to reflect on their own lives and identify one area where they can apply one of the tips from the article. They will write this down on a piece of paper and keep it as a reminder.

The aim of this activity is not just to understand the article, but to encourage students to think about how they can apply its teachings in their own lives and start becoming the 'right person'.


Absolutely, let's create an activity called "Being the Right Person". This activity will encourage students to practice the three tips given in the article and discuss them with their family members.

Hello, everyone! Today, we're going to delve into an important topic - "How can I be the right person?" This is not only about finding the right person for a relationship, but more importantly, about being the right person for yourself and others.

Here's a brief 10-15 minute activity that you can do with your family at home:

1. **Tip #1 - Leave people better than when you found them**: Grab a piece of paper and write down three specific things you can do this week to leave someone better than you found them. Think about your interactions with your family, friends, and teachers. After you've written down your ideas, share them with your family and discuss how you can implement these actions in your daily life.

2. **Tip #2 - Invest in yourself and your life**: On the same piece of paper, write down three ways you can invest in yourself this week. This could be reading a book, learning a new skill, exercising, or even indulging in self-care. Discuss with your family the importance of investing in oneself and encourage them to write down their own personal investments as well.

3. **Tip #3 - Seek the positive**: Lastly, write down three positive things you've noticed about yourself, someone in your family, and a situation you recently encountered. Share these positive observations with your family and discuss how seeking positivity can change your perspective and attitude in life.

Remember, the goal of this activity is not just to discuss these tips, but to actually put them into action. So, let's start being the right person today! I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences next time. Keep shining, be awesome.