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How can I become more successful?

iuri melo

Iuri Melo

Cofounder at SchoolPulse

Steps to complete this activity:

i broke up badge

  1. Watch the video or read the article
  2. Reflect & write
  3. Complete the quiz


I discussed how experiencing more moments of achievement can increase our sense of wellbeing and happiness. I used the example of getting a good grade or learning a new skill. I explained that by persisting in practicing activities and skills, our brains and bodies adapt to get better at them. I quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson saying that what we persist in doing becomes easier over time as our power increases. I related how Taylor Swift succeeds through trying repeatedly, not because of natural talent.

I introduced the idea that effort, experience over time equals success - nothing instant but through the process of investing ourselves. I shared quotes about the importance of having vision and goals to motivate our brains. I talked about being proactive - taking the initiative to create our own opportunities instead of waiting for luck or rescue.

I emphasized embracing hard work and finding ways to work smart at the same time. I highlighted the significance of relationships and working with others for greater success. Finally, I focused on persisting through failure and rejection by getting back up and trying again, learning from the experiences. My main message was to keep going with an empowering mindset.

My brilliant friends, what a magnificent question! Yes... how can we create a little more success in your lives? I'm so glad that you are tackling the hard questions and looking to dig deep and improve your life by creating a little more achievement and accomplishment. By the way, did you know that creating a sense of achievement in your life is one of the top five characteristics of people who have high levels of wellbeing, and who report feeling happier? Absolutely, In other words, people who report experiencing more moments of achievement, whether it's getting a good grade on a test, or running a race, or learning a new song, or learning a new skill, or a new trick on the skateboard, or on the football field, or creating more mastery on the guitar, or piano, or art, or activity... the important part for you to know is this... when you invest in skills, in activities, in hobbies, in sports, in intellectual and educational pursuits, and you grow, and expand your abilities, you automatically increase your sense of happiness in life, and my brilliant and courageous friends, I desperately want you to live deep and suck out all of the marrow of life, and experience more moments of joy, satisfaction, and purpose. Alright, let's talk about the nitty gritty of success, and help you to develop the kind of mindset that will help you to succeed in every area of your life, from your relationships, to school, to sports, or to any other pursuit that you are interested in. I've got 7 Quotes that if you will adopt... if you will write them in your hearts and in your lovely brains, they'll lead you to success. Ok, here we go

Quote #1: "Whatever you persist in doing becomes easier to do, not because the thing has changed but because your power to do it has increased." Mr. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that, and that is your first clue to help you become successful in life. Listen to me very closely. Your brain and body are the most sophisticated piece of machinery, software and hardware in the universe. Your brains and bodies are absolutely miraculous, and will literally adapt and learn anything you place in front of them. Whether you want to write a book, become a powerlifter, become an artist, or an athlete, or become a software engineer... whatever you persist in doing, your brain and body will learn to do, and it will become easier and easier for you to do it. Your intelligence will adapt, your muscles will literally shape themselves to accomplish that task, your talent and skill will grow... i'm telling you, you are a walking miracle. You're like a Ferrari! The key here for you, is to persistently invest in, or practice whatever thing you want to do, and then watch your mind and body assist you in that pursuit. Miss Taylor Swift (some of you may have heard of her) also said, "I've never been a natural,

All I do is try, try, try." Whether you love that gal or not... or simply don't care, the idea is important. Don't worry about what you're natural at, or what you think you were born to do, instead just invest and try, try, try, and watch the magic happen.

Quote #2: "Trust the process." This quote is simple, but man it packs a punch. My ingenious amigos, just about everything in life is a process, meaning that it takes time; it takes investment in your part, and it takes effort. This is the equation! Effort + Experience + Time = Success. Life isn't Christmas! So if you try something and you're not immediately good, or great, or the best at it, stay with it for heaven's sake! Don't quit! Don't bow out! Don't leave the ring! Stay, invest, and trust the process. It's time for you to build your emotional, psychological, and patience muscles, and stay with things a little longer, and as a result reap the joy, satisfaction, and benefits that can only come when you trust the process.

Quote #3: "Where there is no vision, the people perish." Ok, I'm not trying to say that if you don't have a vision, you're going to perish, but listen, if you want to experience success in life, in school, in sports, in business, I can guarantee that you will benefit from having a vision, an objective, a set of goals that can help to guide your brain and your focus. Remember this, ‘Your brain always runs better when it has a direction and a focus." The truth is that there is a proven benefit to having a vision for what you want, and why you want it. Goals and objectives do work... yes they're hard, and they require you to push, but they can be a source of motivation for you as well. So remember, instead of just living your life by accident, and blindly hoping that things will just turn out your way, take a little ownership of your life, and instead wake up, look at your compass, set a direction toward the things that you want and that are important and valuable, and then live your life more deliberately, consciously, and then work your tail off to go and get it.

Quote #4: "Be Proactive." Mr. Stephen Covey wrote a book called, "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" where he studied the habits that made successful people... well, successful. His very first habit was to be proactive. This simply means that YOU have to take the initiative in life. Other people are busy living their lives, worrying about their things, and looking to create their own success. Of course people help one another, and I hope that you do as well, but listen, in this life, YOU have to go and get it, YOU have to create it. The boat is not coming for you, YOU have to swim out and get it. Sometimes opportunities will show up, and you may even get a little lucky, but more often than not, YOU create your own luck. YOU create your own opportunities. We cannot live our lives with a mindset that we are owed something, that we deserve things, that we are powerless, or victims, because these ideas will not lift you or motivate you, instead they will keep you passive and waiting, or even lead you to feel hopeless and powerless, and my brave amigo, you are not powerless, in fact you are powerful. So don't wait to be rescued! Don't wait for your grades to fix themselves! Don't wait for your coach to give you the starting spot! Don't wait for people to change for you or around you! You have to change! You have to be the change! You have to be the good in the hood! You start... you lead... stop waiting for people to do things for you, and instead smile, accept your power, use your courage, and move forward in a confident and committed way!

Quote #5: "Work hard & Smart." Yo, can we be real for a moment? There is no substitute for practice and hard work. There just isn't. One of my sons always says, "my hard work will always beat your talent," in other words, "Don't trust your talent, trust your hard work and preparation." Thomas Eddison said "Opportunity Is Missed By Most People Because It Is Dressed In Overalls and Looks Like Work." Being idle, inactive, and slothful just aren't attractive or good options for you honestly, and the consequences that will rain down on you as a result of you living this kind of life, can honestly be catastrophic, and bring you much misery. I promise you, I'm not trying to paint some scary image, or trying to scare you into being some way or another, I respect you too much to do that, but I've also seen how hard life can be, so please be wise and don't make your life harder by adopting such attitudes. Instead make a commitment right here and now, to working hard in whatever you're committed to doing, and figuring out ways to work smart and effectively.

Quote #6: "Be a people person." Listen up mates and tell me what you think of this brief statement that I'm about to make: "Your success and happiness in this life is directly connected to your relationships and social networks." Do you agree with that? I hope so, because it's absolutely true. Being a people person, doesn't mean you have the best social skills, or that you're the best communicator, or that you're the most outgoing or extroverted - even though these are wonderful habits and skills that I would highly recommend you exercise and build in yourself. Being a people person means that you:

  1. Believe in people. I know people can be ignorant, childish, immature, and unkind... I know this because I have been those things myself, and have also suffered as a result of people's shortsighed actions. But listen, be the kind of person that sees and finds the good in others. Be the person that sees the potential, the kindness, compassion, and goodness in others... that sees their effort to be happy. We are not perfect, but your belief, hope, and trust in people will help them, and you, to be more successful. I've seen this time and time again, when our performance in sports, activities, and education is improved by the simple presence of someone else cheering, and believing in us. This is proven. So be a people person, by giving people a chance, a break, by believing in them, and lifting them.
  2. Be valuable to people. So often we become obsessed with whether people value, or like us, but matey, the trick is for you to be valuable to them, instead of constantly comparing and measuring whether you're being liked, loved, or valued by others. Keep your focus in the right place, and be valuable to people around you, and as a result, you'll naturally see your value rise.
  3. Work with people. In the movie Napoleon Dynamite, Rex, the founder of Rex Kwan Do gives this awesome advice: "I'm Rex, founder of the Rex Kwan Do self-defense system! After one week with me in my dojo, you'll be prepared to defend yourself with the STRENGTH of a grizzly, the reflexes of a PUMA, and the wisdom of a man. Rex : At Rex Kwan Do, we use the buddy system. No more flying solo!" Well, I don't know about the reflexes of a Puma, but it's time for you to use and trust the buddy system. Be the kind of person that learns to play in a team, club, or group project. Learning to contribute, collaborate, receive criticism, and give feedback are critical parts of this life. They'll keep you humble, and growing at faster rates. Stop running away from opportunities such as these. Don't convince yourself that you're not a people person... remember that it's a skill, it's a muscle, something you can work at and get better at.

Quote #7: "Live, Die, Repeat." Have you ever seen this show with Emily Blunt and Tom Cruise? I think it's kind of fun and cool, by the way, I'm not suggesting you die here, the main idea is that sometimes you'll try things, and they won't work, or you'll get rejected, or you'll get an F on that test, or not make the team, or even fail repeatedly. When this happens, learn from the experience and ‘repeat,' which means, go again, and again, and again! Persist, persist, persist. You have to build the kind of psychological muscle and emotional endurance that will keep you moving forward and upward with an empowering, optimistic, and growth mindset. Thomas Eddison said "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Or even Winston Churchill's words "If you're going through heck... keep going." My brilliant friends, your psychology is everything!

Hear me out, if you are currently housing a personal attitude of:

  • "I Try, it's hard, I quit"
  • "I tried, i got rejected, and I'm done"
  • "I tried, I didn't make it, it's stupid and I'll never try again,"
  • "I'm trying, I'm failing, I'm just not good at it, or it isn't for me, or i'm just useless or dumb,"

It's time for a new mindset and philosophy. It's time for:

  • "I try - It's hard - I'll trust the process and keep trying."
  • "I tried - I got rejected - I'll keep trying because it's smart, and I'm a smart person."
  • "I tried - I didn't make it - I'll ask for help, work harder, and go again."
  • "I'm trying - I'm failing - I need a little help, more practice, and my brain and body will learn anything I place in front of it, with a little time and effort."

Well, what do you think? There are a million tips, tricks, and ideas to help you to be successful, these are just some of the ones that I think match the time in your life right now. Watch and re-watch this short video and let these inspiring ideas sink into your mind, body, and spirit, and as a result, watch your motivation, hope, and optimism stay more stable even when things get hard. Cheerio!


1. The article talks about how experiencing moments of achievement, no matter how small, can increase your sense of wellbeing and happiness. What is one small achievement you can set a goal for and work towards, whether in sports, hobbies, relationships, or learning something new?

2. The equation for success shared is Effort + Experience + Time = Success. Think of something you want to be successful at. What specific efforts do you need to make? How can you get more experience? What is a reasonable timeline to work towards success?

3. Having goals and vision is important. What 1 short-term goal and 1 long-term goal would you like to set for yourself right now? How will these goals give your brain focus and direction?

4. "Be proactive" means taking initiative. What is one area of your life where you tend to wait for other people to make things happen? How can you start taking more initiative in that area?

5. The article talks about persisting through failure. Share about a time when you wanted to quit after failing. What kept you going and trying again? What did you learn from that experience about yourself?




1. What does Ralph Waldo Emerson say about persisting in something?

2. What is the formula for success mentioned in the speech?

3. According to the quote, “Where there is no vision, the people perish,” what is important for success?

4. What is Stephen Covey’s first habit of highly effective people?

5. Which quote emphasizes the importance of hard work?

6. What should you focus on when interacting with people according to the speech?

7. The phrase “Live, Die, Repeat” encourages what mindset?

8. What should you do when you face rejection, according to the mindset section?

9. What does it mean to “trust the process”?

10. How does the speech describe your brain and body?


1. What is one of the top five characteristics of people who report higher levels of wellbeing and happiness according to the article?

2. What does the article say is the equation for success?

3. Which quote from the article talks about the importance of having goals and vision?

4. What does the quote "Be Proactive" mean in the context of the article?

5. What is the main message of the quote "Live, Die, Repeat"?