Save this video for a rainy day.

Having a soft heart is crucial because we don't have all the answers. Recognizing this wisdom means tapping into other sources for strength and growth.

Contrary to popular belief, we don't need to have everything inside us. We're in constant growth, and others and the world offer inspiration and support. This podcast is for rainy days, offering hope and perspective to navigate challenges with optimism and courage.

I want to encourage you to stand tall, focus on possibilities, and live intelligently and honorably. I want you to believe in your ability to grow and support others. Your struggle isn't meaningless; it holds seeds of wisdom and growth.

I've been where you are, feeling hopeless and angry. I understand. My aim isn't to rush you through suffering but to keep you moving forward. Regardless of your emotions, remember these three things: continue contributing to your life, yourself, and others.

Continue building your life with purpose. Adjust, but keep adding to your skills and experiences.

Nurture your body and mind like a garden, feeding it positivity and growth while weeding out negativity.

Contribute to others intentionally, even in small ways like saying kind words or helping someone in need.

Give without expecting anything in return. Remember, you are capable of endless giving.

Let's move forward together, through joy and suffering, always remembering to contribute to ourselves and others. Stay brilliant, my friend!