How do I deal with anxiety better?

Hey there! If you're listening, you're already making smart moves by investing in yourself. Thanks for being here. Your openness and kindness mean a lot. Your question about dealing with anxiety is spot-on. While I might not know all the details of your situation, I can share some powerful techniques to help manage anxiety.

First off, anxiety and stress aren't exactly the same, but they often overlap. Stress usually comes from external pressures like work deadlines, while anxiety is more internal, rooted in our biology and psychology.

Anxious brains are remarkable in their own way, but they have a tendency to get stuck, obsessing over things. Anxiety also leads to avoidance. It's natural to steer clear of things that make us anxious because, well, anxiety feels awful.

But fear not! You're not at the mercy of anxiety. This podcast is all about reclaiming control and giving you the tools to live fully. Remember, you are not your thoughts or feelings. Just because your brain conjures up anxious thoughts doesn't mean they're true.

So, here's a simple trick: label those unhelpful thoughts as "anxious brain talk." Next, ask better questions. Instead of dwelling on worst-case scenarios, ask yourself what actions you can take to solve problems. Your brain will follow your lead.

Lastly, devalue unhelpful thoughts and feelings. They're like pesky hitchhikers trying to derail your journey. But you're in control. And remember, be patient and kind to yourself throughout this process. Healing takes time and gentleness. You're not alone in this journey. Reach out if you need professional help. Thanks for being here, and keep embracing your growth. Stay humble, stay open, stay resilient!