Are you a good sport?

You incredible souls, I hope this message finds you in good spirits, but if not, may this short video lift you up and inspire you to Bring It wherever you may be. Many of you reach out to us about your involvement in various activities like sports, choir, orchestra, debate, and more, activities that involve competition, either against others or against yourselves.

Let me express my deep admiration for watching people perform and compete. I cherish the entire process—the practice, the psychology behind it, the effort, and the camaraderie that emerges from hard work and sacrifice. There's something profound about the bonds forged through shared endeavor and the lifelong friendships that blossom. If you're part of any of these pursuits, I commend you, and I hope they've enriched your life. And if you're not, consider getting involved in something that engages your body, mind, and spirit, fostering relationships and pushing you to grow.

As much as I celebrate these activities, I acknowledge the darker aspects of competition and performance. From parents losing control in the stands to players resorting to unsportsmanlike behavior under pressure, there's a shadow side to the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Mental health and mindset play crucial roles in performance, and understanding and addressing these aspects can lead to more positive outcomes.

Now, let's delve into the acronym BRING IT!:

BR - Be Respectful: Treat others with the same dignity and respect you expect for yourself. Recognize that your competitors are human beings with dreams, fears, and aspirations just like yours.

I - Inspire Others: Use your platform to uplift and encourage those around you, even in the face of adversity. Be a beacon of positivity and resilience.

N - Nurture Teamwork: Embrace the power of collaboration and selflessness. Whether you're part of a team or pursuing individual goals, support and uplift those around you.

G - Give Your Best: Strive for excellence in all you do. Leave nothing on the table and push yourself to new heights, knowing that your efforts contribute to your growth and success.

IT - Integrity Together: Uphold honesty, fairness, and ethical behavior both on and off the field. Be a leader in promoting integrity within your community.

Understanding the motivations behind unsportsmanlike behavior is the first step toward cultivating a culture of respect and sportsmanship. By embodying the principles of BRING IT!, we can elevate our own performance while fostering a more positive and inclusive environment for all. So, let's commit to bringing our best selves to every competition and endeavor, and in doing so, let's elevate those around us as well.