How can I focus better?

Hey guys! Alright, so you’ve been asking, “How Can I Focus Better?” I love that and I’ve got a bunch of ideas. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna overwhelm you—I’ll stick to 7 strategies to help you train your brain to build some important skills.  "So, what skills?" The skills I’m talking about are Executive Function Skills.  These skills aren’t something you are born with, they are something you develop! Okok, I know that sounds so incredibly boring, but stick with me! Trust me here, because if we can improve Executive Skills, there’s gonna be a direct impact on your focus, your ability to succeed at school, and your ability to be a lot more successful in the future… Plus- we can always learn, practice, and become better at these skills.

Alright, so, what exactly are these Executive Function Skills?  Don’t worry, I’ve got an acronym to help you remember them: F.O.C.U.S. Focus. Isn’t that kinda perfect? Ok, let's start-


F: (stands for) Flexibility – Bruce Lee once said “be like water,” and in this world, there is one thing you can be 100% certain of, and that's uncertainty. So your ability to adapt, learn, and try again is super duper important.

O: (stands for) Organization – Does your room or backpack look like a tornado hit it? If so, start there. Clean up the chaos and you’ll notice you can focus so much better.

C: (stands for) Control – We are talking about self-control here!  If you are looking to focus better it’s all about managing those tiny little distractions and staying disciplined… We’ll circle back to this in a bit.

U: (stands for) Utilize Time – Okay here's a quick trick for you: scheduling your time = less stress. Plan it all out so you can stay on top of stuff, and then it won’t feel so overwhelming.

S: (stands for) Strategize  – Your brain works better with a plan. Use calendars, notes, or whatever else helps you figure out what’s next. It’ll make everything easier. 


Okay, so, you know that stuff that goes around a building while they are building it? That’s called scaffolding right? Well, if you learn and remember these executive skills, those skills are your mental scaffolding.


But let’s get back to your question: "How can I focus better?" Let me tell you a (hopefully) quick story.

“Long ago, there was a farmer with a large field. One day she went and planted seeds in one corner of the field, but didn’t stay long enough to water them or care for them. She then moved to another corner, planting more seeds, and then to another, but never really watering, tending, or nurturing those seeds.  When the harvest season came, she had no crops—only scattered seeds that had never grown.”

So how does this relate to you?  Look, I want your life to be a beautiful garden, that's full of color, good fruit, and full of accomplishments, success, and everything else that makes your life wonderful.  But, for this to happen you have to focus your time, energy, efforts, and stick with your tasks.  Whatever you give your energy to grows. Whatever you don’t? It fades. So here are those 7 strats that you can begin to use that are gonna help you to focus and refocus… that will help you to start, stay with, and finish tasks.  Let’s go!  


  1. Start by saying, “This Matters and I Need To Focus” Okay, I know this sounds so, so simple, but it works. Telling yourself that what you’re doing is important locks your brain into it. Instead of just going through the motions, be intentional. Remind yourself why it matters and lock in.

  2. Focus On Doing One Thing at a Time:  Multitasking is a complete and utter myth. When you try to do too much at once, you’re actually making it way harder to focus. Stick to one task at a time, and you’ll find yourself finishing things faster and with better results. 

  3. Minimize Distractions: This one’s so so important. Put your phone somewhere out of sight because even just having it nearby can distract you. Studies show that phones can mess with your brain even if you’re not using them, so get it outta of there. Close the door, clear your workspace, and limit as much noise around you as you can so you can stay in the zone.

  4. Chunk It: Ever heard the phrase, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” Break down big assignments or projects into smaller, easier tasks. Make a mini to-do list and check things off as you go. Not only does this help you stay on track, but it also gives you little wins along the way. Plus, you’ll stay focused longer without getting overwhelmed.   

  5. Use Active Learning Techniques:  Highlight, take notes, quiz yourself, explain what you’re learning to someone else—anything that keeps your brain actively engaged. The more hands-on you are with what you’re studying, the easier it’ll be to stay focused and actually remember it.

  6. Schedule Your Time: Use time to your benefit! You can do this by scheduling your time to take a test, do homework, or complete assignments. But remember, don’t wait for the perfect moment to get started because it’s never going to come. Schedule your study or work time, set a timer, and just begin. Knowing you have a set time to focus (and a timer to stop) helps you stay motivated and on task.  

  7. Music or Background Sounds:  Some background music can help you concentrate better, especially instrumental or classical tunes. Find what works best for you, but avoid music with lyrics—it’ll just distract you. You want something that keeps you in the zone, not pulls you out of it.


There you go, 7 tips to help you focus. Even if you think you’re not a “school person” or don’t care about grades right now, don’t make life harder for yourself. Start practicing these skills, and trust me, future-you will be glad you did. Time to get up and get to work!